Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Today is the day! A chance for writers everywhere to shout out their fears, worries, conundrums, etc to the world--and hope someone shouts back.

Join us!

There are some times prompts for this wonderful day, no one has to use them, but they can come in very handy. Like today ;).

So, today I will be talking about time to write- it is made or found?

First off, I have a full time day job. Most writers, unless they have a spouse with lots of money, have a day job. That means 40 + hours are just sucked out of my week faster than a really thirsty drunken faery working on her first bottle.

Then you have sleep, food, hygiene, etc, and you don't have a lot of time left.

So, I make time. Waiting for it won't work.

I get up at 5am so I can get words in before the day job (I aim for between 500 and 800). Then after the day job, I aim to get the rest of my 1600 word goal for the fourth fantasy book.
Recently, I started adding on 500 a day for the new space opera after dinner.

I limit my TV time to ideally only an hour, and I'm getting up at freaking 5 am.

But it is so worth it.

I don't do this everyday, these are goals to follow and strive for,  not to control my life. But I know when I hit them, even just getting some words in, I feel better.

I've never had anyone tell me, "I wish I had time to write a book". But I'm waiting. So many friends and other writers in groups have told of these people who think we write just because we have nothing else to do. I have been practicing my look of derision and scorn for when that question happens.

No, we write because we make time to do it.


  1. You're right - if we don't make time, it'll never happen. I used to stress over not having enough time, but now I'll stop and jot down ideas or scenes wherever I am, even if it's just a few scrawled notes on my phone.

    1. Great point-it's amazing how much little bits of time can add up!

  2. While I don't have a husband with lots of money, I'm not currently working just now. Theoretically, I should have oodles of time to get writing done. But it just doesn't happen. That's why I'm in awe of people like you who soldier away at writing in the midst of everything else they have going on.

    1. Sometimes having too much time can actually cause a problem-hopefully you'll get on track soon!

  3. Excellent point. We make time to write. Check out Nancy Gideon's post for today. (She's #66) I admire both of you for making time to write. Best wishes.

  4. I am currently dayjob-less, but back when I did have that 40+ hours a week time commitment, I had to do something similar to you. (I never limited my TV time to an hour, though. What can I say? I'm an addict. :))

    1. LOL! I have to limit it, or I will just keep watching. Even if nothing is on!

  5. I've had to start getting up earlier to take the kids to school, but I don't know if that will translate into any more writing. At least it gets me home from work earlier. We'll see if I can squeeze in more writing time then.

  6. I did the 5 am thing for a while. It was too early. All I can say is, way to go making it happen!

    1. Thank you! I am a lark- my brain works much better in the am, than pm ;).

  7. Kudos for being able to wake up at 5am and have a coherent thought. LOL I for one know I couldn't do that. Great post and it's encouraging to see how disciplined you are.

    1. Thanks :)- yeah, like I said- those are goals, not always reality. But aiming for them helps make sure I get something in each day. When I hit them, it's golden :)

  8. We make time because we want to do it. I've had people tell me, "Oh, I want to write a book someday." Someday never comes, so you better write it now.

  9. We have to make the time. It's a conscious decision.
    Happy IWSG Day!

  10. Oh, that finding time part of writing. What a bugaboo. It helps to have someone who is willing to meet up with you for writing sessions, whether in person or online. Any few words you can get in every day is going to add to your final word count even if a third of the end up "on the cutting room floor".
    Great post, Marie. Keep on keeping on.

  11. Yeah, a body-double will come in nicely to do all the other things that have to be done in a day so I can focus solely on writing. I've found that I write the most interesting things at that magical hour before 6am - things I didn't even know my subconscious could come up with ;-) Keep persevering, it's obviously paying off.
