Wednesday, September 4, 2024

#IWSG Listening to others

  Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! Can’t speak for the others, but yup—insecurity is my middle name sometimes 😉.

Once a month writers gather online to share, cheer, and lament this writing world we’re in.

Join us!!!

Today is sort of related to this months question about what we learned in school that messed us up as writers.

For some of us *cough cough* school was a loooong time ago. So instead I thought I'd ramble on about listening to others on this writing journey.

1) DO it! Read, listen, etc.
2) DON'T follow it!

Thank you for coming to my TED talk  ;).

Okay, there is way more to it than that. 

The trick is to be open to learning--all the time.  Educationally, I've taken far more courses than were needed for my Master's degree...because I liked learning. 

Writingwise, I've been writing for a VERY long time, and publishing since 2015.

And there are still so many things out there to learn!

When you're new or not so new, learning new things in your field can seem overwhelming. And often contradictory. Because most people are telling you what worked for them. Nothing that worked for them might work for you. Or some of it. Or all of it.

The trick is to really figure out who you are. And don't be afraid to test! I'm a serious pantser, but a few years ago thought that plotting might work for me.

Nopity. Still have that mess sitting around somewhere. I love the story, just will need to rewrite a LOT.

Does that mean that all plotters are wrong? Not at all!  It means it's not right for ME.

So go out with an open mind, but then really examine the information you find.

Any things that you tried that flopped?  Or that you thought would flop and succeeded?

Happy IWSG day!