Yes, it’s that time of year when we all look back at what we’ve done (or haven’t done ;)) and look forward to what we will do.
I was thinking about this past year for me as a writer-- it started out with heart break as an agent I really admired “loved my book” but had to pass since she didn’t think humorous fantasy would sell. I disagree on that front, but I know agents have to do what they need to do to survive. Then, an editor LOVED my space opera, said how awesome it was, etc…and that he was passing on it because he had too many equally awesome books signed up.
Those two actions really changed things for me.
One- it was nice, REALLY nice, that two professionals thought highly of my work. Two- it really made me seriously think about self-publishing. My work was there, but NY wasn't. I realized that money and pride were really the two biggest things holding me back- aka- self-pubbing right, takes money and my little child-writer voice wanted to be validated by having the full traditional package.
But I had been validated, and have been previously. I am a writer. Some may love my work, some not so much- but I AM a writer. I started to believe it on the heels of two painful rejections.
At that time I picked March 1, 2015 as the start of my self-publishing empire. I wanted to have excellent covers, find some awesome editors, and get the first three books in my humorous fantasy series out a few months apart from each other. (Which meant having them done well before publishing started ;)- hence the year "wait").
I’ll admit I’ve had some issues, really started doubting myself a few times. I kept marching forward, but there were plenty of stumbles along the way. But NaNoWriMo kinda kicked me back in gear and I am within a few weeks of completing the rough of book 2, have found an artist I really like and who will hopefully be able to make cover magic for me, and have been finding editors to help along the way.
Will I make it by March 1? Who knows. But I have faith I WILL make it. And I will just keep writing and publishing on my own terms.
Happy New Year's! Make sure 2015 is your best year ever- ON YOUR TERMS! :)