Wednesday, December 2, 2020

#IWSG- Seasonal slow downs

 Welcome to another round of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

Each month, writers from all over join to support each other as we toss or fears out into the world!

Join us!

Each month a question is suggested for a blog idea. This month's was dealing with times of the year when someone is more productive in their writing.

I'm switching it up a bit-- I'm doing when  I am less productive.

I realized last year (probably before that, but didn't pay attention ;))-- that I don't do well in summer. Even this summer, where I was in my house all of the time, and working remotely, I did less than other times of the year.

I don't have kids beyond the furry kind, so it's not that. 

But, I do work for a college-- and unless you are one of those magical unicorns, a ten-month employee, summer is very busy. We're wrapping up the prior year, setting up the next, and dealing with the summer students. 

When I sat back and looked at it, I realized that even though I would work the same amount of hours--that intensity just wiped me out.  

The problem is, I don't always look at things like that--but I need to. Knowing when and how you write best and what things can shut you down, is essential for a writer.

So, I guess my best times to write are the other nine months of the year ;). And I'm going to start paying more attention to my writing time!

When are your best times? (or worse ;)).

Happy IWSG Day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

#IWSG Starting full-time writing



Once a month writers from across the land gather to share our hopes, dreams, and terrors.  Join us!


For my entire writing career, I have worked a full-time day job alongside my almost full-time writing job.

That ends Dec 30th, 2020.

 I’ve taken an early retirement buyout from the day job and will be working full-time as a writer starting Jan 2, 2021 (yeah, need a few days to recover 😉).

Now this doesn’t mean I’m retiring retiring…more like a graduation to full time writer (and since the day job was at a college—graduation is fitting).

I am very motivated and love telling stories. I’m also extremely lazy. LOL. This means I need a schedule in place to reach my goals. Here’s what I have so far:

·         1) Work five days a week, 40 hours. The days off can fluctuate, but they need to be there to keep me working during those 40 hours.

·         2) First month, keep a spreadsheet of time in, time out, lunch, and results for the day. I haven’t had to clock in for probably 20 years—so this will be odd. BUT again, building the habit of a regular workday.

·         3) See above—make sure to LEAVE the desk for lunch time.

·        4)  Building my daily word count to what I want to be hitting regularly. Each week in January the daily goals increase. Obviously, if I have a project in editing, the word count will differ.

·         5) Daily walks and stretching. Getting outside in the yard for part of lunch.

·         6) Focus on setting up my office and the rest of the house in such a way that it keeps me working.

·         7) Naps if needed. This was suggested on another group and I like it.

·        8)  Find other creative outlets.  At a writing conference last year there was a great panel on writer burn out. One of the things brought up was that when your “creative outlet” aka writing, becomes your primary job, it loses  ability to relax you. The former stress reliever is now a stressor. You’re still being creative—obviously—but the psychological assist it can give is reduced. Soooo, cooking, coloring, who knows maybe knitting, will come into my life.

·        9)  Holidays are mostly days off. I reserve the right to work during part of a holiday if I’m on a deadline.

·        10) Spreadsheet the heck out of my book release plan.

·         11) Social media and marketing will be broken up so each of the five days has a portion of it assigned to them.

That’s what I have so far—any of you full-time, self-employed folks have additional things that work?

Happy Insecure Writing Day!!






Wednesday, October 7, 2020

#IWSG-- Changes!

 Welcome to the monthly blog hop of insecure writers EVERYWHERE!

Join us!

So this has been a very interesting week. I applied for an Early Exit from my day job (with severance) and got it in part due to my years of training getting badges for Comic-Con International (limited spots-- got mine submitted in 19 seconds ;)). This is great news!  As of Dec 31, 2020 I will be a full time writer.

It's also scary as heck.

When people think of stressors, they think the bad ones. However, good events can still cause lots of stress. It's a step into the unknown. We like being in our routine and this is going to blow the socks off. Plus, while I will NOT miss my day job, I've been there 15 years and have many people I WILL miss.

But I'm moving forward. My office at home needed/needs a serious revamp and I'm in the process of it. New computer, new monitor. Moving forward.

Which actually sort of leads into this month's question-- do we think of ourselves as a working writer?  Hmmm- the IRS has thought so since my first year being published.  But, yes, I do think of myself as being a working writer--even BEFORE the escape at the end of this year.  I spend 30 hours or more (way more) on writing. Along with my current day job--this leave me tired. A LOT.

But I LOVE IT.  I am proud to be a working writer.

Happy IWSG day!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Seeker's Chest is on preorder! More drunken faeries!

 Soooooooo--I just put a book on pre order-- The Seeker's Chest!

 This book is the start of new adventures for Taryn and some familiar drunken faeries. The Diamond Sphinx wrapped up the six book original series, but I just couldn't let them go!

This new series The Lost Ancients Dragon's Blood takes up a week or so after the epilogue at the end of Diamond Sphinx. New adventures and new mayhem! We're traveling to the southern continent of the world, where more dangers lurk.

While you don't have to read this if you read the other series, that was a contained story (in six books ;)).

BUT you REALLY should have read them if you want to read this. There are spoilers for the original series all over and it is designed for folks who read the first six.

If you think you might want to go on another adventure this fall, click the link!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

#IWSG _Famous People

 Welcome to a monthly romp through the psyche of many a deranged soul-- aka a blog hop for writers. Join us!

A question of the month is presented by the mothership (see above) and we can use it or not.

Today's ponderings are if we could have any writer from the past be our beta reader/critique partner, who would it be and why.

So freaking many!  But, the first one that struck me was Isaac Asimov.  Simply because he was so prolific, didn't stay in his lane (aka wrote what he wanted), and was always doing something.

I'm not sure what impact I would have on him, probably not  alot, but I think just being around that brain and watching it work would make a huge difference for me and my writing.

So, question for you writers and non-writers-- if you could hang out with one person from the past for a week, who would it be and why?

Happy IWSG day!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

#IWSG Where are we going again?

Welcome to another round of the monthly blog hop for neurotic writers--okay--all writers!
Check out some of the other blogs and join us!

Today's question posted to us was what changes would we like to see in the next ten years in the publishing world. This brings up a lot of thinking (it's late, stick with me). Way back in the dark ages, when humankind was discovering the wheel, I was working on my first book.

It didn't have a title, nor do I recall that much about it. I do remember the main character's name, Vaslisha Tor Dain, (which I later stole from myself for the Asarlai Wars space opera series). But I wrote the book. Then set it aside. Years later, I started another book. Back then the only options for publishing were agents and traditional houses in NY. Or vanity press (aka pay someone to print a ton of copies of your book which then sat in your garage).

I read everything I could on writing and publishing, I went to conferences, I met with editors and agents, I kept writing. I'd get closer, but there was always something--my book was too much like another client of of theirs. It was too different. Humor won't sell right now. Etc.

Then I discovered self-publishing and the angels sang and the skies opened. Not an easy path, but I had control over who I hired for cover, editing, formatting, etc. My stories could find folks who never heard of me, but fell in love with the worlds I made up in my head. It was wonderful. And still is.

Those are pretty huge changes we went through. Moving forward, I would love to see indie authors get more respect. Some readers won't read indie because they feel we just throw things up without a care. 

The serious ones care. And spend a lot of time, money, and hard work to make it so readers care.

So, I guess that's what I'd like to see change, more acceptance. 

Happy IWSG Day!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

#IWSG- Secrets

Hello and welcome to another post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! We gather once a month in support and solidarity-- join us!

Today a question was broached as to what secrets we carry as writers.

Darn good question.

Wish I had an answer.

I'm presuming the secrets are referring to something our readers wouldn't know about us, but just what?

Hmmmm- here's one- I went to an eye doctor twice a week in first and second grade to correct my vision. Only YEARS later, did my mom and I realize I had a form of dyslexia-- but no one called it that. Before the two years, I printed my first name with a backwards E, I, backwards R, A and M. But no one called it dyslexia. 

More writerly? I often don't have a conscious clue where I'm going in a story, but once I finish it, the pieces start snapping together and it feels like that was the only way it would work.  Ray Bradbury said his job was just to follow the characters and report what they did, I kinda work that way.

Not sure what other secrets I can tell without, well, giving away my secrets! If I told people about the magic bottle that really creates all my books, then everyone would want one. Mayhem and shenanigans would ensue. Madness, just madness.

So what are of YOUR secrets? Share with the class and happy IWSG day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

#IWSG Just keep swimming

Hello and welcome to another session of As the Writer Turns! Kidding-- it's Insecure Writer's Support Group day!
This is a group of writers from across the land who join in to share hopes, dreams, fears, and secrets ;). Join us!

I'm not going to lie, the world is a strange and dangerous place right now. I personally prefer my strange danger to keep to my books--those I write and those I read. I'm not a fan of it coming into the real world like this. That being said, one thing has remained constant-- keeping the writing going is always a struggle.

Even in "good times" it's not easy to keep writing. I can't speak for all writers, but I don't just slap myself into a chair and crank out words. Words and ideas can be quite sneaky and difficult to control and maintain. So, that hasn't changed. :)

I've found for myself that being able to switch gears helps. I currently have two new projects going on, a book in edits, and two new series in "thinking about" stages. 

And it works.

Now, my writing isn't fast right now, not even my normal speed--but I am getting things done. When I get stuck in one project, I switch to another. Having a lot of creative things in my head seems to keep the fires burning.  To be fair, I've apparently got a weird mind (or so they keep saying ;)). But you might try multi working to keep forward momentum. 

Now, this isn't the "OOOOO! Start a new project and abandon the other one!" These all get done. But having options puts less pressure on me right now, and that's a good thing.

Gotta keep swimming (writing).

Have a great IWSG day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

#IWSG--Writing when the world goes sideways

Hello and welcome to another Insecure Writer's Support Group, blog hop. Writers from all over the world gather and share our hopes and fears-- join us!

We are living in interesting times, and no one is happy about it. Our world is going sideways and it's scary and strange.

Writers have really good imaginations which can backfire on us when the world gets scary.

But we're also the ones who create escape for ourselves and others through our works. I don't think my books are going to change the world--but if they offer someone an escape from fear? Then that's all I need.

I'm not writing as much as I sometimes am able to, but I am working on books. Editing one, writing another, thinking about a third. Getting new words and new books out in the wild is my escape (along with lots of reading). 

I look at each day as a new start (and am lucky enough that my non-writing day job is allowing us to work from home--weird but it gives some balance). I remind myself there is still hope and light. I'm moving forward, slower than before, but still moving forward.

How are you dealing with creative pursuits right now?

Take care of each other- and happy IWSG day.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Presenting-Tameri Etherton!

Hello all!  Today I have a special guest, good friend, and all around awesome person and writer-- 

USA Today Bestselling Author Tameri Etherton! 

First off, it's her book birthday today! Happy Birthday Dragon Mage!


 Secondly, leave a comment or question for Tameri and one person will be selected to win an e-copy of the first book in her epic fantasy series--The Stones of Resurrection! (Name will be drawn on March 12th-- check back here!)
Without further ado, here's Tameri!:

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today! I’m excited to share with your readers a little about me and my books.

Q: How long ago did you start writing, why, and what was your first attempt?

A: I wrote my first short story a long, long time ago. The physical paper it’s on is lost now, but I remember most of the story and, shocker, it was a fantasy tale about children living in a magical forest. We camped a lot as kids and I used to tell these fantastic tales around the campfire. I really wish I’d written those down! Some of them were epic. Who knows? Maybe they’re coming out now in my books.
I didn’t get serious about writing and finishing a book until around 2007. My life until then had revolved around my family’s schedule and I suddenly had time free to do whatever I wanted. I gotta tell you, I was bereft for about two months. For over a decade, I’d been ‘Mrs. Tameri’ at my kids’ schools and I wasn’t sure who I was anymore. It was liberating and terrifying. Then, a little voice whispered in the back of my mind, reminding me how much I loved writing, that now was my time.
I had a story in my head that wouldn’t go away—about a young woman raised on Earth, but born on another planet. She insisted I tell her tale and that’s how the Song of the Swords series began. Taryn went through many iterations before I got it right, but The Stones of Resurrection was my first attempt at a novel and I’m super proud of that book and the entire series. I want to live in their world forever.

Q: Panster or plotter? What attributes do you like of both?

A: This is where I’d label my relationship as complicated. J I’m a bit of both. I have half a dozen craft books on plotting, and I’m still looking for the perfect system for ME, but mostly I dream my scenes, then write them. The way my brain is wired, this is what works best. Of course, it’s a great excuse for a nap! But really, that’s what I do. Every night before I sleep, I imagine the scenes I want to write the next day. I’ll go over them until I have it just so, then I sit down and write. When I’m having a huge word count day and I’m in the flow, I don’t need to dream the scenes, they just spill out, but if I’m having trouble with the plot or a character, I’ll take a walk or a nap, and just mull over everything I need to sort out. Sometimes it works, sometimes I’m left a frustrated puddle of goo. Hence, the complicated relationship with plotting and pantsing.

Q: Character first, or plot? How do your stories come about?

A: It depends! Sometimes, like with Taryn and the epic fantasy series, I know the character first. But with Dragon Mage, I knew the story first. I’ve become a bit of a cover hoarder and find huge inspiration from having a cover already made before I start the book. I’m the absolute worst at trying to tell a designer what to have on the cover because how do you distill a 500 page book into one image?
I also get ideas from eavesdropping. Or just sitting quietly and observing. I might be walking through the park and see an interesting crag like I did for Fatal Assassin, and imagine what it would be like to escape from the castle by having to run down that crag and into the park. Then, I ask myself a ton of ‘what if’ questions.
What if a girl was raised an orphan because the king slaughtered her parents? What if it wasn’t just her parents he killed, but all the mages, and all the dragons? Who would raise her? How would that affect her world view? Her relationships? Could she ever forgive the king? What if the king’s son was her best friend and she never knew it was his father who killed her family? Would she still be his friend when she learns the truth?
What if questions are my favorite! I let my mind run amok with different scenarios. Which, actually, kind of goes to the plotting question. All these wild ideas are actually part of my planning process. They feed into each other as the book goes along.

Q: Any genre or sub-genre that you haven’t tried yet, but want to?

A: Yes! SO many. I have two historical story ideas I want to write. One is set in the court of Queen Elizabeth I (my absolute favorite woman in history). Since I love writing magic and elves and fae so much, it won’t be historically accurate. Wouldn’t it be totally kickass for Queen Elizabeth to have a dragon? Or, what if she’s actually the faerie queen from Spencer’s epic poem. As in, a real faerie? I love that idea!
The other historical idea involves Richard III and the princes in the tower. I’ve always been fascinated with that mystery and would love to write a sort of mystery fantasy. We’ll see!
Another genre I’m keen to try is space opera. My husband is currently writing sci-fi and we’re going to write a book together either at the end of this year, or the beginning of 2021. There can be dragons in space, right? I hope so!

Q: If you could have dinner with ONE of your characters in Dragon Mage, who would it be, and how would it go down?

A: Just one? Oh man. It would probably be Danteneux or Cassia. I love these characters so much and need to know more of their stories! They’ll probably both get their own series (or one together… hmmm) because I can’t stop thinking about them.
How would dinner go down?
Well, Dante would try to seduce me all night because he loves the ladies and can’t help himself. We’d probably end the evening onboard his ship—definitely not in his bed, rather, we’d be sailing somewhere foreign because, at the time, we thought it was a good idea. I’d then spend the next six months learning to be a pirate because he’d refuse to take me home.
Cassia would absolutely drink me under the table (not hard to do, I’m a lightweight), and then after regaling me with tales that I wouldn’t completely understand, she would insist on taking me through portals to show me other worlds. I guess it’s something she does often because why not?
With either of these two, I’d be hard pressed to not laugh too much, drink too much, or to know precisely what’s going on. They’re the kind of friend that is always trouble, but in the best sort of way.

Q: Can you share a snippet of Dragon Mage?

A: Of course! In this scene, Amaleigh is wearing a magical mask to disguise her identity so that she’s not recognized because there’s a death warrant out for her. Returning to the palace is a huge risk for her and discretion is key.

The very air surrounding them altered with an unseen tension.
Then her brain processed Cassia’s words. She glanced up to see Gwilym standing not more than three feet from her. Excitement whipped through her blood, but she clamped it down. It wouldn’t do to burst into tears at seeing her only childhood friend. Time froze, as if nothing had changed. He looked exactly as she remembered him—dark curls framed a ruggedly handsome face, but the mischief she recalled in his deep-blue eyes was no longer there. Neither was any sort of recognition. Of course not; she had made sure she didn’t look like herself. Still, a bitter pang throbbed in her heart. A pain she didn’t quite understand.
The whole point of a disguise was not to be recognized, and yet, she’d hoped he’d see through the mask and know it was her. She’d hoped their years of friendship meant as much to him as they did her. But he smiled genially without a hint that he knew it was his friend.
Also missing was any sign of being tortured. Not a scratch marred his perfect complexion. Unlike in the vision she saw while casting. Which could only mean the prince hadn’t sent it, so did she imagine it? Was it a trick of her magic, playing out her worst fears? Had her guilt built to such a degree that she saw things that weren’t real?
Seeing Gwilym unhurt should’ve been a relief, but instead it ratcheted her anxiety. The nagging in her mind screeched that something was off. It went beyond Cassia’s pretense and Gwilym not recognizing her. Whatever the hell was going on here, she was determined more than ever to find out.
She dropped into a curtsey that would’ve made King Heshen pleased and rose at the same time as Cassia.
“Cassia, darling, who is your friend?” Gwilym regarded them both with curiosity and for a moment, the princess faltered.
The carefree, chatty girl was gone, replaced with a meek little thing.
“Your Highness,” Amaleigh cut in before Cassia could speak. “I am delighted to find you in good health. When last we spoke, you were under a bit of duress. It’s been awhile, but you helped me at a time when I needed it most, and I have come to return the favor. How may I be of service to you, my lord?” She swept the floor in a second curtsey and hoped Gwilym understood her veiled meaning.
“Forgive my memory, kind lady. Although I don’t recall the specifics, I cannot turn away someone who has offered to repay a debt. I would be honored if you would grace our home with your presence.”
Despite his words, the way he peered at her, as if trying to see beyond the mask, robbed her of any sense of security.
“She’s called Erma, Your Highness,” Cassia offered.
“Erma Kielder.” Amaleigh hoped using the name of his most favored dog as a surname would garner some sort of reaction. None came. Even if Gwilym didn’t recognize her, surely he knew the name of his pet. Unless…unless he’d been tortured to forget his past. Was it possible? Or, more likely, he purposefully pretended not to know her and her worst fears were true—it had been a trap to lure her out of hiding. Her heart hammered in her chest loud enough to drown out Cassia’s twittering.
“Well met this day, Erma Kielder.” A sardonic grin twisted his lips, sending panicked jabs through her gut. He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. His eyes never left hers and she repressed a squirm.
Even though he followed protocol, something about his intensity sent a warning through her mind. Not only did he not behave like the friend she remembered, his scent and touch weren’t the same. The firm grip he had on her fingertips wasn’t princely, but controlling. As if he meant it as a silent threat.
It was possible Gwilym had changed in the years she was gone, but to this extent? They knew each other, for dox sake. Had lain beneath the stars and shared their deepest secrets and fears with each other. She refused to believe the man she knew had become this stranger.
Whatever game he was playing, Amaleigh knew one thing for sure—the man standing before her who looked so much like her childhood friend, either had changed a great deal since she last saw him, or he was not her Gwilym.

Thank you for coming on my blog today! Folks, go check out Dragon Mage and the rest of her amazing books! Don't forget to comment below for a chance to win an e-copy of The Stones of Resurrection

The Stones of Resurrection link:


Tameri Etherton is a USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author of dangerous fantasy and magical ever afters. As a born storyteller, Tameri grew up inventing fictional worlds where the impossible was possible. It's been said she leaves a trail of glitter in her wake as she creates new adventures for her kickass heroines, and the rogues who steal their hearts.
She lives an enchanted life with her her very own prince charming and their mischievous dragon Lady Dazzleton.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

#IWSG-Believe in yourself

Back on the Insecure Writer's Support Group train!!! This is an amazing monthly blog hop for us insecure writers--which is all of us pretty much ;). Join us!

So, I'm back. I dropped off of the blog hop, and my blogging completely, for a while there. Lots of projects going on the last few months of 2019 (two already came out and two more will be out in the next few months). Now I'm trying to get some balance back and this blog is part of it :).

And I'm starting my first IWSG blog in over 6 months with believing in yourself. Which seems a bit odd since...well... we're insecure by name ;).

But even being insecure, and having tons of self doubt leap up and smack you in the head upon occasion, at some point we have to believe in our stories--in ourselves.

Every time I get the, "I suck and I can't write!" beast coming at me, I tell myself to quit. Stop writing. Inside of my head sort of looks like this:

ME: I'm a horrible writer!

My brain: Then quit.

ME: What?! No! I have too many stories to tell. *sniffles a bit*

My brain: Then just don't publish. Show them to no one.

ME: But I want to share them! Some people like them!

My brain: Exactly. So stop whining.

My brain can be very direct when calling me out on these things.

There seems to be a culture where we as writers are supposed to hate our work. Like, all the time. "Woe is me! My writing sucks! I suck!" Part of it is a wish for validation, someone to come forth and tell us we're awesome. Part of it is because if we bash our work before others do, it's not as painful. 

Neither of those reasons are healthy, nor do they help us. External validation can be taken away, and telling people they will hate your work before they read it (directly or indirectly) just pushes them that direction.

Somewhere, deep inside, you need to like your work--or why would you do it? Writing is HARD. I write to provide escapism for myself and my readers. I'm not changing the world, saving billions, I'm providing an adventure. If I don't like what I write, that will come across and readers won't like it either.

So Happy IWSG day! Go out and remind yourself why you write!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Steampunk Story Bundle Deal!

A Curious Invasion is hanging out with some AMAZING friends!

The Airships and Clockwork Steampunk Bundle - Curated by Kevin J. Anderson

We are building up reading steam for a brand-new collection, the Airships and Clockwork Steampunk StoryBundle.
I've put together a baker's dozen titles of gears and zeppelins, mechanical dragons, lost cities, frock coats, and tea, the best books from indie authors, all for whatever price you choose to pay. A portion of the money directly benefits the Challenger Learning Center for Space Science Education, and the earnings support indie authors.
In my own Mr. Wells & the Martians, join H.G. Wells and his professor T.H. Huxley on an urgent mission to Mars to prevent the war of the worlds. Also, specially created for this StoryBundle, the Clockwork Boxed Set includes both of my steampunk fantasy adventure novels coauthored with Neil Peart, the late, legendary lyricist and drummer from Rush—Clockwork Angels and Clockwork Lives.
Anthea Sharp's The Perfect Perfume shows you the Victorian era like you've never imagined it before! Twelve enthralling alternate-history tales featuring intrepid heroines, hidden magic, and rollicking steampunk adventure. Marie Andreas brings Vampires, aliens, and tea—oh my! to A Curious Invasion.
Clockwork Gears and Magic Swords by Lousia Swann is a StoryBundle exclusive! Magic and gears and a taste of the weird—seven grand adventures that tickle the soul and tease the imagination. Imagine moving from New York to California on a steam-powered horse with a giant for a companion in J.R. Murdock's Golden West: Westward, Ho!
Robert E. Vardeman's Gateway to Rust and Ruin: Their world was used up. Now they want ours, steam and all. Kristen S. Walker puts on steampunk lenses to show the truth about a pop singer's dark past in Amena's Rise to Stardom. Kevin McLaugliin's Midnight Visitors: When her person becomes the target of assassination, what's a poor cat to do? Solve the problem with tooth, claw, and brains!
In Mechanical Dragons: Fire and Water, Bobbi Schemerhorn warns that mixing inexperience with magic may cause dragons! Gun magic fuels an epic adventure in Tenlyres by Timothy Niederriter. Stroll through Tracy Cembor's Gaslight Carnival, where fancy and freak walk hand in hand. And finally, Travis Heermann has a steampunk-horror novella, Where the Devil Resides—a supernatural Apocalypse Now. With alligators. Kevin J. Anderson
For StoryBundle, you decide what price you want to pay. For $5 (or more, if you're feeling generous), you'll get the basic bundle of four books in any ebook format—WORLDWIDE.
            Mr. Wells & the Martians by Kevin J. Anderson
            Alchemical Solutions by Tracy Cembor
            Clockwork Gears and Magic Swords by Louisa Swann
            Amena's Rise to Stardom! by Kristen S. Walker
If you pay at least the bonus price of just $15, you get all four of the regular books, plus NINE more books!
            The Clockwork Boxed Set by Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart
            Midnight Visitors by Kevin McLaughlin
            Tenlyres - Bondmage Book One by Tim Niederriter
            Gateway to Rust & Ruin by Robert E. Vardeman
            A Curious Invasion by Marie Andreas
            Westward, Ho - Golden West Book 1 by J.R. Murdock
            Where the Devil Resides by Travis Heermann
            Mechanical Dragons by Bobbi Schemerhorn
            The Perfect Perfume and Other Tales by Anthea Sharp

This bundle is available only for a limited time via It allows easy reading on computers, smartphones, and tablets as well as Kindle and other ereaders via file transfer, email, and other methods. You get multiple DRM-free formats (.epub and .mobi) for all books!