Wednesday, October 2, 2024

#IWSG-- What scares you?

 Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! .

Once a month writers gather online to share, cheer, and lament this writing world we’re in. It's the most amazing and terrifying place to be!

There's often a question (optional) with this adventure and the one this month was interesting.


What's your favorite classic ghostly tale?


Ummm, unless they're funny ghosts, I don't have one.

I'm not a big scary, ghost person. Fast and funny is more me.

But, this did make me think about what story scared me. Waaaaay back in the dark ages, teachers liked to make kids read scary, dark, or depressing stories (That was my view).

 I still recall one that I read an insanely long time ago. No idea about the title, and it was a flash fiction--as in two pages maybe?

 It was a woman talking about being home alone and that her husband always called her paranoid. She's making comments as she goes through the house checking things.

 Then she came to an outer door that she'd locked that was now wide op--. 

 Yup. It ended right there.

 It freaked me out! Obviously made an impact since over 40 years later it still sticks in my mind.

 As a writer, I admire that power. Such a simple story with a simple gotcha. I would love to have that ability--in my own fashion. I may blow things up in my books sometimes (okay, a lot) but the closeness of that story, the impact of the ultimate cliffhanger ending....dang.

 It was very impressive.

 So, since I've diverged, what's a scary story that made an impact on you?

Happy IWSG day!

Bonus points if you know the short story I mentioned!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

#IWSG Listening to others

  Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! Can’t speak for the others, but yup—insecurity is my middle name sometimes 😉.

Once a month writers gather online to share, cheer, and lament this writing world we’re in.

Join us!!!

Today is sort of related to this months question about what we learned in school that messed us up as writers.

For some of us *cough cough* school was a loooong time ago. So instead I thought I'd ramble on about listening to others on this writing journey.

1) DO it! Read, listen, etc.
2) DON'T follow it!

Thank you for coming to my TED talk  ;).

Okay, there is way more to it than that. 

The trick is to be open to learning--all the time.  Educationally, I've taken far more courses than were needed for my Master's degree...because I liked learning. 

Writingwise, I've been writing for a VERY long time, and publishing since 2015.

And there are still so many things out there to learn!

When you're new or not so new, learning new things in your field can seem overwhelming. And often contradictory. Because most people are telling you what worked for them. Nothing that worked for them might work for you. Or some of it. Or all of it.

The trick is to really figure out who you are. And don't be afraid to test! I'm a serious pantser, but a few years ago thought that plotting might work for me.

Nopity. Still have that mess sitting around somewhere. I love the story, just will need to rewrite a LOT.

Does that mean that all plotters are wrong? Not at all!  It means it's not right for ME.

So go out with an open mind, but then really examine the information you find.

Any things that you tried that flopped?  Or that you thought would flop and succeeded?

Happy IWSG day!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Chapter One--Keeper's Tempest Book Three in the Code of the Keepers space opera-coming fall 2024

 If you haven't read the first two in this trilogy, you might want to turn around now  ;).  

Also--this is hasn't gone through final edits ;). And the odd space between paragrapghs is a Blogger thing, not mine.







Chapter One



Vas froze as Terel and Pela raced off the bridge with an unconscious Deven on their gurney. The voice that Vas just heard had been a disturbing combination of the Deven she knew and one of the Devens he’d become when he came back from dying and had been in three bodies a year ago.

It was the worst of the three—the asshole pirate.

She forced that issue aside for the moment. She wasn’t certain what she’d heard—aside from the voice of a dead Pirate of Boagada saying that even though Deven had been the Clionea nuns’ Pirate before, he was tagged to be it again.

Something supposedly impossible.

He’d also said that Deven would save or doom everyone. Then Deven channeled the jerk pirate persona he’d had when he came back from the dead.

Mac jumped the Destroyer’s Curse through a dozen gates as they escaped the Nhali mining world as it blew up. Vas finally told him to stop, but this system looked too busy for her liking. She didn’t enjoy thinking of hiding and licking their wounds, especially after a fight they mostly won. But that was what they needed now. Too many things had gone on lately, and the issue with Deven could be catastrophic.

“Mac, find us another less busy system. We have no idea if the Nhali can connect us to that planet, but if they can, they will blame us for it blowing up.” Never mind that the Nhali had been digging up a converted planet left behind by the Asarlaí thousands of years ago. An extremely unstable and dangerous planet.

Mac nodded and blasted them back through the gate. He went through two systems, slowly, before Vas agreed to a location. No signs of advanced technology. And the only planets were far from the gate.

“Good work. Gosta, Hrrru, find us a place to hide. I’ll be in the med bay.” Vas was proud of not racing after Deven immediately. But they were now in a safer spot and she trusted Gosta and Hrrru to find a place to settle and hide.

She needed to know who was in Deven’s head. If it was that jerk pirate, she’d lock him up immediately.

“He’ll be okay.” Aithnea’s voice coming out of her comm as she jogged down the corridors wasn’t as soothing as it might have been if she wasn’t dead.

“That pirate. I heard that pirate’s voice.”

Aithnea hadn’t been around when Deven reappeared after being blown apart. But she’d read and listened to the files. “He was seriously injured that could be behind it,” Aithnea sounded too soothing. She was the mother superior of the dead group of Clionea nuns, but they were warrior nuns. Soothing usually wasn’t high on her list of descriptives. Even when she’d been alive.

Vas slowed a little as she went down the corridor to the med bay. If Aithnea knew something, she needed to know before she went to see him.

“What do you know? You heard that he’s our new Pirate of Boagada, is this something because of that?”

The Pirate of Boagada wasn’t a member of the Clionea nuns—at least not a regular one. The nuns were a female order, but the Pirate could be any gender. They served for a year or two doing things in concert with the nuns. Oftentimes they worked around the nuns' stricter agendas. 

Then they had their memories wiped out—something they agreed to before accepting the position.

“Yes. And while that did sound like Tilthias, the last Pirate of Boagada, it might not have been. No one has held the position twice.” Her voice dropped and seemed to be talking to herself. “At least any that survived.”

Vas was almost to the outer med bay doors when Aithnea muttered that. She stopped and glared down at her comm. “What did you just say? Rather, what did you mean by what you just said?” As far as Vas had been told there had never been someone to hold the position twice. But the nuns weren’t around lying if they felt it was necessary.

“You shouldn’t have heard that. It’s our fault, you’re coming into some Keeper skills I didn’t think would be there yet.”

She went silent and Vas was ready to find a way to drag Aithnea out of the comm by force by the time she spoke again.

“There were two times that circumstances required replication of holding the position. They both died. I can give you the boring details now, or you can check on Deven.” There was a level of sameness to her words. A balanced and non-emotional way of speaking that Vas remembered from when she was taken in by the Clionea nuns when she first escaped her home world as a kid.

It never boded well.

“After this, you, me, Jasiel, and Nitya are talking.” Vas ignored any further responses and pushed open the med bay doors. Deven, Terel, and Pela were nowhere to be seen. Divee was monitoring the new bio-bed and the unconscious Kantari prisoner inside. He jumped to his feet as Vas raced in.

“Captain!” He was startled but both snub blasters remained in his hands.

“Where is Deven?”

“Terel and Pela are with him in the decon room. She didn’t tell me why, but she has a full contagion warning lockdown on them.”

Vas ran down the way he pointed. The Destroyer’s Curse was a new ship to her—well new enough and she’d been so busy that she hadn’t fully explored the massive thing. The back of the med bay was huge and contained more rooms than hopefully they’d ever need.

She rounded a corner and found one room with enough warnings splashed across it that no one would be crazy enough to enter.

Aside from Vas.

She used her palm to override the warning code and entered a clean room decon area. The system checked her, and then she knocked on the inner doors.

Terel and her assistant Pela were in decon suits and Terel pointed to more of them hanging inside the decon area. It wasn’t clear whether she was afraid that Deven might be contagious—or if he was the one in danger.

Vas scrambled into the suit and was just sealing the helmet when the doors whooshed open.

“Terel, what the hell is wrong?” She’d barely stepped past the doors as they shut.

“I don’t know. We almost lost him coming down here. Three times. I didn’t have a chance to call you. We’ve been resuscitating him.”

Vas looked down at Deven. He was even paler than he’d been on the bridge, but she couldn’t see any external injuries. “Did something get inside him on that planet?”

“It might have?” Pela glared at the screens she was monitoring. “Whatever is going on, it’s seriously messing with our ability to scan him.”

Vas watched as the two furiously fought to save him—from whatever was killing him.

“Damn it, Aithnea said that people who’d been the Pirate of Boagada twice died—could that be it? He was declared to be the next one on the command deck.”

“We need those damn nuns in here, now.” Terel looked ready to snap something at the mention of the nuns.

“I’m here,” Aithnea’s voice came from one of the speakers. “And Jasiel is on her way down. Nitya is having some issues with the ship; we didn’t escape unscathed. But, I don’t believe this has to do with that. Bluntly, the two Pirates of Boagada died after they’d completed their tasks. And yes, in both cases, they were aware it might happen. I’m not getting much from Deven’s mind, it’s too unstable right now. I don’t think Tilthias’ announcement caused this.”

“Keep trying to reach him.” Terel settled down a bit, but she didn’t seem convinced that the nuns weren’t at least partially responsible.

A ringing sound came from outside of the decon clean room behind them. Pela hit a button and Jasiel ran inside and quickly put on a suit.

Even though she was over eight hundred years old, Jasiel looked to be an extremely fit woman in her sixties. Unlike Aithnea and most of the Clionea nuns, who almost all kept their hair cropped, she kept her gray hair long but coiled atop her head.

She was the founder of the most recent incarnation of the Clionea nuns and the only nun still living. For now.

“What’s happened?” Jasiel winced and shook her head as she came into the room. “And what is that horrific sound? How can you stand it?” She’d started to approach Deven, but stopped and took a step back to the doors.

“What sound?” Vas always had good hearing, and since her Keeper training it had improved. But aside from the low-level sounds of the machines fighting to keep Deven alive, there wasn’t anything that would cause that reaction.

“A high-pitched…oh.” Jasiel grabbed her helmet and collapsed.

“Pick her up, get her on a table,” Aithnea said. “I’ll try and find what she was talking about. For the record, I’m not sensing anything. But being disembodied does have its limits.”

Vas and Pela lifted Jasiel onto a bed and Pela scanned her.

“She reads fine. Simply unconscious. Without a reason.” Pela narrowed her eyes and looked between Jasiel and Deven. “She’s not in danger of dying like he is, but could these two be connected?”

Terel glanced up from Deven. “That would probably be a question for Aithnea. Well? Did the nuns have disorders we need to know about?”

“No. We were possibly the healthiest people in the Commonwealth. But there’s something between the two of them. I still can’t hear anything that would have caused Jasiel to collapse, but there’s a strange vibration between her and Deven. Vas, can you roll Jasiel’s cot to the far end of the room?”

Vas looked to Terel but at her shrug went ahead and rolled Jasiel against the far wall.

“She’s twitching.” Vas stepped within Jasiel’s eyesight and gently shook her arm. “Jasiel? Are you awake?”

“Yes. But wishing I wasn’t.” Her eyes didn’t open but her face was lined in pain that was visible even through the faceplate of the decon helmet. “What crushed my skull?”

“You reacted to a sound and collapsed,” Aithnea’s voice now came out of a closer speaker. “Not terribly gracefully, however.”

“A sound?” Jasiel cracked open her eyes. “Oh, gods my head.”

Pela came over and gave her a shot, then ran back to Deven.

“Better. Thank you.” Her face still showed pain, but she opened her eyes. “Let me guess, no one else heard it?”

“No. Do you know what it was?” Vas was already returning to Deven’s side.

“I might. Tilthias could have passed something on to Deven. And Vas. Until this is sorted, I’ll keep my mental shields up.” She didn’t make a move to get up from the cot yet.

Vas wanted to touch Deven but unless she took off her suit she couldn’t. He was still pale but appeared to be twitching now. She had no idea if that was good or not. “Tilthias shared thoughts with me in the cave where his body was buried. Or rather, his spirit did. I felt them but haven’t been able to go through them. Maybe that’s it?”

Jasiel slowly got off the cot. Whatever shields she put up, they must have worked as she came next to Deven and peered closely at his face. “It shouldn’t have caused a problem, but then all of those memories should have gone directly to Deven as the next Pirate. Not to the Keeper. I’d say his spirit had no choice. Aithnea and I need to sort this out. After we stabilize Deven.”

“Which is what we’ve been trying to do.” Terel waved at the monitors. “Any idea how to do that? Something is trying to kill him and I can’t find it, let alone stop it.”

Jasiel turned to Vas. “I wasn’t on deck, but you said you heard an odd voice come from him right before he collapsed?”

Vas gave her a brief rundown of Deven dying and then coming back as three people over a year ago.

Jasiel gave a low whistle. “No wonder he was chosen again. There’s a lot of mojo in him that I’ve never even heard of before. He’s Kilesh, right? They are known for being strong espers, and have hearty recovery systems—but that’s beyond anything from any species.”

Vas shrugged. “Marli said that something in him had changed. She had scans of him from years ago that didn’t match the ones she read a year ago.” She frowned. “And that was before the dead and back as three situation.”

“The Asarlaí woman who helped in your prior battle? It’s sad that she was lost for many reasons.” Jasiel nodded as she continued to study Deven’s face.

“I doubt we’d be alive now if she hadn’t done what she did. But I agree. We do have access to her secret home though.” Vas shook her head. “Aside from the fact it’s in the Commonwealth. Damn, for a moment I forgot that we still can’t get through there.”

Deven started twitching more and Terel came with more sedatives.

“Wait.” Jasiel held her hand up and looked closer at Deven’s face. “He’s trying to come back. I believe those twitches aren’t random.”

“Let me try something,” Aithnea said then went silent.

The twitching turned to spasms.

“Oh no you don’t. Knock this off now!” Aithnea’s voice echoed through the room. And inside Vas’ head.

“This is mine.” The words were good to hear, but the voice wasn’t. His green eyes were almost black now.

“It’s that damn pirate.” Vas looked around. “Not the Pirate of Boagada. The other one.”

Terel nodded. “That’s him all right. Have we lost our Deven?”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Jasiel rubbed her hands together—which wasn’t as effective as the suit had gloves—but then she put both hands on Deven and pressed down.

“You can’t do this!” The voice coming out of Deven shifted. “This body is mine!”

“It was never yours, go back to whatever spawned you!”

In her Keeper training, Vas had learned that the higher-level nuns had almost magic-like powers. Or at least ones that couldn’t be explained in an easy-to-understand manner. That was what she felt at that moment. A powerful fight was going on between Jasiel, Aithnea, Deven, and that pirate.

Just not one she could see.







Wednesday, August 7, 2024

#IWSG Consistancy

 Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! Can’t speak for the others, but yup—insecurity is my middle name sometimes 😉.

Once a month writers gather online to share, cheer, and lament this writing world we’re in.

Join us!!!

  Today is about every writers' super power--consistency.


I don't mean that you do the exact same thing each and every day. That does work for some folks, but not for everyone. But rather, being consistent in your dedication to your writing.

 I've realized that because I can write at a certain speed, doesn't mean that doing it (without training) is a great idea. Yup, still in almost-burnout recovery.

It's like someone who can sing wonderfully, but never trained. The odds are good they will destroy their voice. Athletes who have a gift, but perhaps not as much solid training behind them, also burn out.

 Same thing can happen with writers. Especially if you're a naturally faster writer.

 Taking a step back and starting low and slow can really make a difference and help develop a consistent habit. Habits are built by repetition--same with writing and building the writing muscle. Even if you only have ten minutes of stolen time a day, try to be consistent about it. 

 Eventually, it becomes habit and you may find more stolen chunks of time along the way.

 I was hitting 4k a day before my almost-burnout. I dropped it to 2k and now am hitting 2,500. Next week, if I still feel good, I'll go up to 3k for a few weeks. The trick will be to listen to myself and NOT keep pushing. My hope is that when I get back to that 4k a day (or higher?) I'm in a much better place than I was at the start of this year.

What do you do to build consistency into your writing?

Happy IWSG Day!


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

#IWSG The Naming of Books is a Curious Matter


Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! Can’t speak for the others, but yup—insecurity is my middle name sometimes 😉.

Once a month writers gather online to share, cheer, and lament this writing world we’re in.


Today I’d like to talk about a topic currently near and dear to me—naming books. The book that launched in January, had its title for years—Destruction of Chaos (Following Essence of Chaos and Division of Chaos in that trilogy.) That was easy peasy.

But, I’ve got three projects currently—and until a few days ago none of them had titles. Oh, they had placeholders, and two still do—FAERIES 2024 and JINN 2024. The one that has its title now was VAS 2024 but is now Keeper’s Tempest.

So, how do I name my books?

Each series has a unique pattern within the series and is different from the other unrelated series.

The first six Lost Ancients (Fantasy) were all named after a part of a broken relic staff that my characters needed to find, whether they wanted to or not. 

The Glass Gargoyle, The Obsidian Chimera, and The Emerald Dragon were the first three. For the continuation of that series, I needed new items as we’d dealt with that staff in the first six books. The Seeker’s Chest, The Finder’s Crown, The Hunter’s Chalice, FAERIES 2024….okay, that last will get a title….anytime now 😉. I'm only about an eighth of the way done with the draft, it'll come to me!

The space opera series is currently at book 6 (there are two trilogies—don’t ask). Warrior Wench, Victorious Dead, and Defiant Ruin are the first set. All three are names of starships but also say a bit about one or more of my main characters. Similar style, but slightly different in tone, the next three are Traitor’s Folly, Destroyer’s Curse, and now, Keeper’s Tempest. Again, starships and reflections of the stories.

Probably one of my most fun trilogies (so far 😉) to name have been the steampunk ones—A Curious Invasion (aliens and vampires in Victorian London), The Mayhem of Mermaids (fishy people aren’t all good), and An Intrigue of Pharaohs (Egyptian trouble makers back from the dead!)  These books have a different feel and pace than my other series. Still action and adventure, but a bit slower pace. The titles worked to show that (in my opinion-LOL) and also tell a bit of what’s going on inside.

The other trilogy that was fun to name was an Urban Fantasy thriller. The Girl with the Iron Wing, An Uncommon Truth of Dying, and Through a Veil Darkly. The tone and length of the titles are different from the other series but consistent with each other. These books are a bit darker than my other books and so are the titles.

Our covers and titles are the first thing we have to catch a potential reader’s eye and give them a reason to look into buying our books. They don’t need to be perfect, but ideally, they should reflect the tone and genre of the book and series.

How do you create titles for your stories?

Happy IWSG DAY!!!



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TWO DAY Free ebook sale! Over 200 books!



Join over 180 fantasy, SF, and more authors in this special two day sale. These ebooks are available world wide!

If you haven't read my The Glass Gargoyle or Essense of Chaos, they're in there too!

Grab your books quickly!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

#IWSG--it's always changing

 Welcome to another episode of How the Book Turns--a blog run of authors across the globe as we wail, gnash teeth, and generally love what we do--join us!

The awesome co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are Liza at Middle Passages, Shannon Lawrence, Melissa Maygrove, and Olga Godim!

Today I'm looking at changes in our writing world and how they are the one constant we have.

Way back in grad school, I knew what to do. Take the courses, write the papers, design, propose, and defend my thesis, and then get my degree. Easy, peasy. (Ignoring the massive amount of work—the work was hard, but the path was easy 😉)

Sadly, writing doesn't work that way. Oh, the writing part is the same, more, or less, kinda sorta. Read some books from 50 years ago in your genre. Some are classics, some make you wince. Writing styles and preferences change with time.

But it's the business end and getting the elusive readers and sales that can be soul-crushing, confusing, and maddening.

There isn’t a nice clean go from point A to B to C to success. And even when you have some success (whatever you define it—we all have our own valid success metrics) the next month, week, or even day, it can crumble.

The graph for most writers is an insanely swirling line that goes up, down, sideways, backward, and sometimes into a black hole.

So, how do we cope?

Good question!

The first thing I’d suggest is to sort out what success means to you. You don’t need to tell anyone. Just you. That success can change, and doesn’t need to be related to numbers—aka “Sell X number of books” or “Make X number of dollars”. It can be as general and vague as you want. And it can and should change as you work your way through this writing path.

Secondly—don’t change everything because a successful author said to do things a certain way. Yes, they might have succeeded doing exactly what they are telling others to do. BUT- unless you have the same books they do, the exact same skills they have, your situation will be different.

And their way might have worked six months ago, or longer, but not now. I’m not saying don’t listen to other authors—do! 😊. But listen to what they say carefully, pluck out the parts that resonate with you, dump the rest, and move on.

The biggest thing is EXPECT THINGS TO CHANGE. I’m definitely a “prefers a nice clean path of what to do and what my results will be” gal. Sadly, I’m a writer and that option doesn’t exist. I’m now working on accepting that and pivoting way more than I used to.

What about you? How do you deal with change in the writing world?

Happy IWSG Day!







Thursday, May 9, 2024

FREE ebooks! May 9th!

 This post is short and sweet--

There are a bunch of free Urban Fantasy ebooks available today!

Grab them here!

Start a new series today!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

#IWSG Getting past the distractions

 Welcome to another monthly blog post about writers and the mayhem we get into!



Today I'm going to talk about distraction. To be fair it was this month's suggested question but it hit home, so I'm running with it ;).

Everyone in every field has to deal with distractions. It's part of life. But, for writers, who sometimes are writing-avoidant (aka most of us at one point or another) distractions can be a serious danger.

Whether you're a plotter a pantser, or somewhere in between, staying focused on the world you're creating is important.

Family members, pets, roommates, and total strangers can all throw that off.

Not to mention to lure of social media.

Even with no one in the house, aside from a sometimes pushy cat, I can get massively distracted by social media.

The urge to get that little hit of dopamine from an interesting or engaging post--or a comment or post from a friend, is hard to avoid. “Just one more check,” we say as we hit the pellet bar again. Even when we know there’s nothing worth being pulled from our work, we have to make sure.

There’s a reason why when people study rat behavior that the random reward creates the most clicks on that pellet bar. If we’re never sure when something good will be there—we keep clicking over.

So, distraction is bad.

How do we address it? I’ve heard of ways to lock out social media on your computer for a period of time. I haven’t gone there yet, but might eventually.

Right now, I use my progress to determine when I can have a distraction break. X number of words done (or chapters edited), and I get a break.

I also break up my writing with stretches and eye breaks (looking off into the distance for 20 seconds).

And I’m starting meditation which, while not specifically aimed at distractions or writing, does help build focus.

I recently lowered my daily word count goals, but am finding the less I give in to distraction—the more I can accomplish. Who’d a thunk it!?

What about you—how does distraction impact your writing? What have you tried to help with it?

Thanks for coming by and happy IWSG Day!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

#IWSG --Sometimes it feels like Sisyphus had it easy.

 Welcome to the monthly clearing of the minds also known as the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

Writers from near and far join in on the first Wednesday of the month to share our worries and tales of writing life.


Join us!

Folks, this writing business is hard. I'm not going to lie.

You're plunking along, doing your writing, marketing, etc--and something just hits you between the eyes and pushes you down.

Then it seems like everyone is doing better than you, just to kick you in the teeth.

I know logically that we're all at our own pace--and success for one is not the same as for another. AND that looking for external validation is a step toward madness. (That Master's in Psych loves to point these things out. ;))

But when you're feeling like you keep pushing  a boulder up the hill, you see a light at the top, and then it rolls right back down, it sometimes takes a bit to shake it off.

I know it will be okay. Logically.

This has happened before--many times--and might happen again. I'll sort it out eventually.

But, my point is for everyone--this happens.

I saw a new writer in a group (not IWSG) run into some issues and were unhappy about the response to their only book. So they were pulling their book and throwing in the towel. After a few weeks.

They left before anyone could respond.

Writing is the most wonderful, amazing, maddening, soul draining, intense, and slow-moving field.

Don't expect to hit it out of the park on your first try. Or your fiftieth. You might never make it.

I'm not trying to be negative--but if you're writing for the right reasons (whatever works for you as long as $$$$ or fame aren't attached--not saying money is bad, I happen to really like money. BUT it probably shouldn't be the only reason you write. Just sayin')--you've already hit it out of the park.

Part time, full time, an hour a week--you are doing what your heart wants. You could become someone's favorite writer someday.

There will be downs. And ups....and more downs but kind sorta in the middle of up and down.

The point is, even when that boulder chases you back down the hill--believe in yourself to be able to deal with it.

How do you deal with your frustrations in the writing world?

Happy IWSG day!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

#IWSG-- Never give up, never surrender!


Welcome to the monthly clearing of the minds also known as the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

Writers from near and far join in on the first Wednesday of the month to share our worries and tales of writing life.


Join us!


The title of this blog is from a movie (wanna guess?) but it also sums up a writing career.

Definitely sums up MY writing career.

I just released my twenty-sixth novel--add three novellas--and this is #29. 

I'm proud of this book and the series--and SO extremely glad that it's OUT there now!

But I've never had as many problems with any book as I had with Destruction of Chaos.

1) The book just wasn't working and last fall (when it was supposed to come out) I stopped and cut out one hundred and fifty pages.

2) That cost me my preorder privileges from Amazon for a year and blocked the book (didn't know about the blocking issue until I went to release it--good times).

3) Ended up with a MASSIVE book for me. Most of my books are in the 120,000-word range--this one was 167,000. Even after a lot of editing.

4) Had to work with Amazon when I went to put it up--that whole "blocked" issue. The nice person in the chat said that they fixed it. I asked about the series number since it kept showing the original failed fall attempt. They promised it would be fine.

5) It's not fine. My trilogy all says there are four books in the series--one being the invisible blocked one.

6) I tried to set up the print version...sigh. Amazon has the ISBN for that one as already being used. On the blocked version. I might end up losing that ISBN.

7) Goodreads, since it is owned by Amazon, had that book blocked as well and I'm still fixing it.

BUT...I kept going. This book was late when I started it, so it's been two years since the prior book. Then add in all the issues and whatnot.

I could have just left that one hundred and fifty pages in, slapped on some half-assed ending, and been done.

I'm too stubborn for that. There are a lot of talents that writers need. I'd say that tenacity is the most important. All you have to do is get back up one more time than you get knocked down ;).

What about you? Where have you stuck with the fight and completed your work?

Happy IWSG day!


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

NEW RELEASE! Destruction of Chaos--Books of the Cuari-book three is ALIVE!


This was a work of love, pain, and tenacity. Plus a few stupid human tricks along the way ;).

BUT it is live!  Available on Amazon and it is in Kindle Unlimited as well.

By the way--Amazon now has all of these books in this TRILOGY listed as being part of a four book series. Even though they told me that wouldn't happen. SIGH.

THREE! There are THREE books!

Enjoy and thank you for reading!

Destruction of Chaos

Monday, February 26, 2024

Chapter two of the Destruction of Chaos!

 Okay, still aiming to get this out this WEEK!

BUT, if you've read the other two Chaos books,  (AKA Books of the Cuari) then scroll down and keep reading!

If not, run away!!  NOW!

There be spoilers ahead!


Storm and Jenna are still apart. Jenna was Chapt one-- here's Storm! Yeah, sorry about the paragraph spacing. 

Chapter Two



Storm swore as their ship finally moved forward to dock. The town of Erlinda was swarming with activity, but little of it pertained to getting ships into dock. Mostly it was simply people panicking and running about.

News of the death of Prince Resstlin, and of the fall of Lithunane, had spread quickly. Erlinda was part of Traanafaeren at the extreme northern end. If an attack came from outside, they would be one of the next to fall. And the citizens of the town knew it.

Considering what he and his companions had faced in Craelyn, he didn’t blame them.

Talia yelled to the few dock hands still working and helped them secure the lines to their ship. Her brother, Diath, watched with a grin. He was still injured, there hadn’t been a way to heal him on the open sea. But he looked grateful to be alive. And amused at his guard captain sister handling his ship.

Few people faced a demonspawn and lived to talk about it. Let alone facing two. Diath hadn’t said much about his fight and spent most of the week’s sea travel resting.

Under Talia’s orders.

The trip from Craelyn to Erlinda normally took a few days. But they’d barely escaped the town and hadn’t used regular sea channels to do so. Not to mention, not knowing who or what might be after them meant going far from the coast and taking a longer route down.

Keanin tried to push them harder, using his own depleted magics to fill the sails when he could. There was a ship with demonspawn ahead of them. Those on board included odd creations that had tapped into Keanin’s genetic and magical self and found a way to reproduce demonspawn hybrids. They needed to be destroyed before they gave birth to the abominations they carried.

His focus changed when they got the notification from Garlan that Lithunane had fallen. Keanin was raised with the royal family, and while he wasn’t any fonder of Resstlin than Storm was, his loss, and that of so many others in the palace, hit him hard.

He stopped pushing the sails after the second day unless asked.

He’d mostly recovered from massively overusing his magic in Craelyn, but Storm was concerned at the way Edgar, also a magic user, watched him carefully. Even now, while they were all on deck and mundanely securing the ship.

Storm shook his head. That was another item on a growing list of things that would have to wait until they got to Irundail. He turned to Talia. “You all might want to ride with us to Irundail. I don’t know how long it will take King Philia of Khelaran to recover his strength, nor how many of his soldiers he lost. He might not have much control over the traitors still in his midst. If our enemies come down from there, this town will be a primary target.”

“I need to stay and defend Erlinda.” Talia looked more like a city guard than a pirate now—her more recent look. “But I think Diath, Hon, and Flini should go with you. You need to get to the new capital.” She knew who Storm and his friends really were.

“I’m not leaving you. Or this town.” Diath shook his head and turned to Storm. “Thank you for helping to rescue me, but I’ll defend this place.”

Talia narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. “You’re injured.”

“Not having this argument.” Diath walked down the plank empty-handed. Any of his belongings were long gone.

Hon and Flini shrugged.

“Sorry, but we’re staying too. The guards can’t be the only ones defending this place.” Hon tipped his head to Storm, Keanin, and Edgar, and followed his friends to the dock.

“I would stay to help you.” Keanin’s beautiful golden eyes appeared conflicted. He’d fallen hard for Talia, but Storm was like a brother to him. Not to mention the rest of the royal family.

The tall blonde woman smiled and took his arms. “I believe you would. But while we will have our own battles here, the larger ones will come to Irundail. It is a powerful refuge, or so I’ve heard, but nothing is unbreakable. When it falls, they’ll need you.” She looked up at Storm and Edgar. “All of you.”

Storm lifted his pack as the rest of them left the ship. “I also wish we could stay. But you’re right about the threat. Lithunane was never as secure as Irundail, but it had impressive hidden defenses. That it fell so suddenly is terrifying.”

Edgar watched the dock—and the ships leaving. “They don’t care where they’re going. I thought the ships heading south could only leave at night.” Long-lost magic users had changed the coast along Erlinda in the distant past. Getting in and out was difficult except during specific times.

Judging by the ships leaving, they were willing to take their chances as long as it got them away from Erlinda.

“None of them are going north. Why would they think Khelaran would be a threat?” Keanin joined his friends watching the surrounding ships. “There wasn’t any proof of who led the attack against Lithunane, was there? No one here would know what happened in Craelyn, right?”

Keanin and Edgar had cleared out a group of demonspawn poised to take over the Khelaran capital. Or rather, exposed them for what they were, which made them weaker and easier to kill.

Craelyn had gone through hard times long ago—hence the controlled waterway access—and also a nearly impassable land access along the coast. Had anyone come down from Craelyn with news of an attack within the past week, they would have faced the same issues Storm and his companions did.

“That’s a good question.” Talia nodded to the two guards as they left the dock. “But feelings about Khelaran have always been tense here. Many felt there should have been a stronger presence from Lithunane here in the north. Irundail is only a few days’ ride, but we never see people coming from there to check on any of us along the northern coast.”

Storm nodded. “I don’t disagree. And right now, I truly wish that there had been a royal presence here. We’ll still need to travel incognito, thank you for keeping our secrets. I’d like to get out of town before night falls. Edgar? Can you get us horses? Cost is no limit. I’d hoped to be in Irundail days ago, but let’s get there as quickly as possible.”

Edgar nodded and shook hands with Talia, Diath, Hon, and Flini. Then he vanished into the crowd.

“I’d like to speak to Talia alone?” Keanin gave her a serious look.

“Come this way. We can secure food for your travels. Even a few days of travel are better with something in your stomach.” Talia led him down toward the food vendors and the crowds swarming around them.

Storm nodded to the remaining three. “Guard each other well, and if the chance arises, come to Irundail. Mention my name and give the guards this coin. They’ll escort you all to me.” He handed them what looked like a normal coin, but it flashed even though there was no sun hitting it.

“I finally meet royalty and it’s not a beautiful princess.” Diath laughed, took the coin, and shook Storm’s hand. “But thank you for helping rescue me.”

“I’m glad we got to you in time.” Storm put his eyepatch back on. Thanks to the type of dye Edgar had used on his face, he still had the facial markings of a Crailian sell-sword. Might as well take advantage of the disguise. It was more important than before that no one knew Prince Corin was roaming the countryside.

“Just remember, if things get bad, get your sister and your friends, and all of you come to Irundail.” Storm shook his head. If he could, he’d bring this entire town to Irundail. But they didn’t have time to convince them all to leave. Ships were fleeing, but more came in with supplies. The ones staying were settling in for a siege. “I’ll have Prince Res—Justlantin send over troops to help support your efforts.” That slip hurt. Storm and his brother Resstlin, late heir to the throne, had never been close. But it was still hard to think of him as gone. Especially so soon after losing their father.

Diath clasped Storm’s shoulder. “Thank you.” He nodded behind Storm, where Edgar came up with six horses loaded with expensive looking full tack. “Your friend is exceedingly quick.”

“There looks to be only three of us.” Storm raised an eyebrow toward the extra horses.

Edgar shrugged. “Aye, but the one selling these wanted to sell them all together. So, I figured, since coin was no object, might as well.” His grin lit his dark face. “Not to mention that we can rotate the horses as we ride. You’re not the only one who wants to get to Irundail quickly.” His smile vanished.

Anyone who’d lived in the palace in Lithunane had lost people in the slaughter. No one knew how many friends they’d lost as communications, even with the taran wands, were jumbled.

“I’m an idiot.” Edgar shook his head and handed the cord with the line of horses to Storm.

“It wasn’t a bad idea.” Storm continued focusing on the surrounding crowds.

“No, we need to find a place to reach out to our friends with the wands. Or at least try. I don’t think all the communication disturbance we hit was just from the ocean.”

Hon and Flini said their goodbyes and vanished into the crowd.

Diath watched Edgar, then nodded. “Your tricky stick thing. I can find an alley that shouldn’t be occupied. And will allow for your herd.” He laughed as he walked past Edgar’s horses.

Edgar held the taran wand but kept it out of sight as he, Storm, and their horses followed Diath.

Edgar knew horses and he’d done well. All six were in excellent shape and followed without question. Storm kept an eye out for Keanin as they walked.

He knew his friend was having a seriously difficult time leaving Talia, but she was a guardswoman and took her duty seriously. Keanin had duties as well, some he didn’t even know about. The issue of him being a missing Khelaran royal was something best dealt with when they were safe.

And when they had a place to lock Keanin up if he tried to run when he was informed of it. Keanin’s parents were killed in the Markare when he was a baby—they were scientists investigating the area around the closed portal. Keanin was the only survivor.

While he’d been raised by the royal family of Traanafaeren, he might not be happy to find out he had a connection to the Khelaran royals. And that his parents hadn’t been who he’d been told they were.

The alley was as Diath said, and he moved to the far end to give Edgar and Storm privacy. Everyone on the ship knew of the taran wand, but as it didn’t work on the water well, they hadn’t seen it work often.

“I wish we’d been able to give one to my mother. Or someone else in Irundail,” Storm said. “I don’t know that anyone from Lithunane has made it there yet.” The ride between the two cities was normally a few weeks. A single rider with spare horses could make it in a week, but they would be hard-pressed to do so.

Hopefully, some of the far-speaking mages living in Lithunane survived the attack and got the word to the Queen and the rest of the royals in Irundail.

“True and true. Shall I try Ghortin first?” Edgar’s smile said he knew what Storm was suppressing since they fled to the ocean.

The woman he loved, Jenna, was somewhere outside of Strann. They’d found out that she and the others survived, escaped, and had the third cuari book they’d needed, but no further communication could be made.

“Yes. Please.” He didn’t hold out his hand, but it was twitching.

Edgar grinned and called Ghortin on the wand.