Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IWSG- those hidden books

Welcome to another installment of the Insecure Writers Support Group monthly blog run!  Where writers from all around the globe gather and shout our hopes and dreams out to the Universe.

Today I'm looking at those books deep inside us- and wondering if I'll ever get to mine :)
I was thinking about this the other day, books that live in our souls, but just haven’t come to the surface yet. Maybe they’re a technology problem, we know what we want to do, but feel our skills aren’t there yet (sort of like Lucus going back and adding special shots to Star Wars since the tech wasn’t there to do what he wanted at the time ;)). Maybe we feel that the market isn’t there right now. Maybe we’re caught up in a dozen other worlds and can’t break away to dive into this one.

But they hide in the back of our minds, flitting to the surface briefly, then diving back into obscurity.

Now this isn’t the same as having other books on your TBW pile. This is a book that just really sings, but doesn’t want to come out of the shadows yet.

I have one.

I have a number of ideas percolating on my TBW (to be written ;)) pile. But there is one that I think about from time to time- but just am not ready to dive into. A big ol’ stomping epic fantasy, ala Lord of the Ringish- movie not book- but with a lot less “boys club” , a lot more kick butt girlpower, and some serious romance (um, and fewer wee folk, no golum, no Sauron, no…you get the picture)with a wee bit of Robin Hood and a dash of The Princess Bride. I have no idea who the characters are, nor when or where. But it teases me, popping out just to send a “I’m still here” vibe my way- then vanishing again.

I’m not sure when its time will happen, but I know someday it will- meanwhile it lurks in my heart.

What about any of you? Have a book you’ve thought about, mentally carried around, but not jumped into yet? Have you figured out why?
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  1. The book in your soul sounds awesome! I eagerly await the day it completes its gestation and breaks free. :)

    1. Thank you, Amelia! I hope it decides to make that leap soon :)

      Thank you for coming by and commenting!

  2. I actually have lots of those, but since I'm completely consumed with my current WIP, I don't want to work on anything else. I'm sure I'll have lots to do once it's actually done.

    1. Hmmm- blogger went wonkie- lets try this again!

      That is awesome that you can keep your writer's eye focused on one, Sarah. I have a bad problem with getting interested in a new project right in the middle of another! I've been able to work through it most of the time, but if you can avoid it completely that is wonderful! Keep it up!

      Thank you for coming by and commenting!

  3. Sometimes I think my WIP is a hidden story whose perfect ending is swimming around somewhere in the convoluted recesses of my mind. I do have a file where I add little bits and pieces to my hidden story. Things that don't fit in the world of my WIP but could be worked into that future story. When I visit that file I'm amazed at the things I thought might work. Where did that come from? But then there are ideas that are flashes of goodness which have slipped back into the shadows. I'm glad I wrote them down because I'm surprised they came from me and I like them.

    Can't wait for you story about Stridress and Froda, robbing from the rich and giving to their elvish male companions. Putting their lives on the line to support the creativity habits of their paramours because that's what they wish.

    1. That is awesome! Not that you're surprised the bits of goodness come from you (of course they do!) but that you're writing them down.

      LOL!!! Stridress and Froda- Ok, that's hysterical!

      Thanks for coming by and commenting Sharon- although I wanna be Strideress- so you get to be Froda!

  4. I had one of those TBW books in the back of my mind for a while, and figured it wouldbe a long time before I got around to it (if ever). But when my current story stalled and my mind kept drifting back to that old idea, I finally started to work on it instead. We'll see how it goes.

    1. That's great Ken! You have to make sure to keep us updated since your TRW book has made it out onto the page :)

      Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  5. My hidden story is the idea I had when I began writing, many years ago. It's a time travel, great concept, but I can't put it together yet. I tried, and won a contest with the beginning, but I didn't like the middle and end of it. I haul it out every now and again and start over. Sigh. Someday.

    1. Hmmm- well it sounds like your hidden story is just poking around testing the waters, Becky :). You know enough to know what didn't work and that's always a big part of the battle- that and a great start and you'll be ready soon.

      Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  6. Your story sounds really interesting.
    I have one that I'll need to do a lot of research and soul digging. One day I'll get to it.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie! I think when the writer is ready, the story will come :) (at least that's what I keep telling myself ;))

      Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  7. Yes!! I have one of those, I wrote a couple pages about one day when it was really percolating, but I could tell it wasn't ready to go from the head stage to the official TBW stage. I always figured when I get the current WIPS queued up fairly well finished, I'd have enough brain space to let that simmering idea surface again.

    1. Excellent, Margo! Sounds like you'll be ready for it when it does come around again (I hope you saved those pages!)

      Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  8. I think some books hide there waiting until we have the skill set to do them justice. It's just a theory but it get me through my day. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. I think that's a great point Anna/emaginette! Maybe they are waiting for us to get to be where we need to be when we tell their story :).

      Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  9. I've had a book living in my head for five years ;) but have barely put it into words, I crave to know more of the story but that will only happen with exploring, thing is I'm terrible at those decision times when you hit the fork in the road :S Hope you find your characters soon!

    1. Wow, sjp- I'm thinking that book is going to be coming soon! Face the fork in the road head on- if it's wrong, you can always go back and pick the other one :).

      Thanks! I hope your book comes soon too!
