Wednesday, February 4, 2015

IWSG: We have a COVER!!!

Welcome once again to the monthly gathering of the writer minds, or at least our neuroses, known as the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

For more information about finding other blogs today or signing up yourself please visit the main site.

Now, about today's scream- I HAVE A COVER!!!

It is awesome, and really gives the right feel for my book, and did I mention it is awesome?!!!

When I first saw it I really lost my breath.  It is a wonderful cover, but it was more than that-it was MY cover  for MY book. Created by an insanely talented artist. 

Along with the extreme happiness of seeing the cover that will be gracing my books, there was a shock of "DAMN!  The realness level just went up a ton!"  I am now on Amazon as an author (this book isn't up yet, but my page is there) and working on Goodreads and other places.  The book is in close to the last round of edits. I don't know if authors feel this way after their second, third, or fifteenth cover, but as a first time author--this is just amazing.

It is so insane how that makes me feel.  I know the book itself, my words, are what matter. All the hard work, long hours, and lots of support and editing from others that has accumulated into The Glass Gargoyle.  But a great cover is such an expression of that that it really boggles the mind when it becomes real.

So here I am, a month before my first book launches into the world- swooning over my cover. Join me in the celebration! The Glass Gargoyle will be out in March 2015.


  1. Funny - I saw your cover first over on Facebook, and my reaction was *swoon* as well! I can't stop staring at it, so I can imagine how over the moon you must be. Can't wait until March! :)

    1. Thank you Traci! It is making it very difficult to get anything done- lemme tell you!

  2. It looks amazing! It's a wonderful feeling to the the end result of your work. Congratulations!

  3. Compelling. A complete picture. Who said you can't tell a book from it's cover.
    Best wishes,
    Charmaine Gordon

  4. Simply outstanding! wow! You're in the big leagues now!

  5. That is a stunning cover--congratulations! And best wishes with your launch.

  6. Beautiful! I love the red :) Congrats.

  7. Love the cover with the ruins in the background, and the model's outfit is awesome - congrats!

  8. Hi Marie, congratulations! Echoing everyone else, I love your cover. The colors, the way your name is displayed in the scroll, the heroine's stance and the look in her eyes...all wonderful things! You have a lot to be proud of with this one!

  9. That cover is incredible. Perfect for the genre. Congrats and best of luck for the launch (I hate launches). :)

  10. In today's world, a cover is almost as important as the story for getting people's attention. Glad you got a great cover. Congratulations.

  11. Love the cover, and the title. Wishing you all the best with your first launch. How exciting. I'm set to release my 5th book, a novella, in March. Just so you know, it never gets old or less exciting.

    My IWSG Post

  12. Striking cover. Great colors. I hope it attracks readers my the hundreds (thousands).

  13. It looks fantastic! Your artist did a great job. Congrats and looking forward to this!

  14. Stars and garters, girlfriend!!! That cover is absolutely fabulous....If I just saw it in a bookstore and didn't even know you, I would STILL buy it!! I feel like I should know her! Maybe it is just your adventurous spirit shining through her! It really and truly is a terrific cover, have every right to be pleased! Love ya! :) Deb Tindall

  15. Wow. What a great cover! I remember getting my first cover. So thrilling. I still get giddy seeing what an artist comes up with. The best part? Seeing my name on the cover. Congrats on your cover and book-to-be.

  16. That's one cool cover. Eye-catching, too.
    I'm thrilled at each one of mine. I don't think that will ever stop, either.

  17. Thank you all! It's kinda good to know the giddiness never goes away (the stress I could do without though ;)).

    Thank you all for coming by and sharing in my cover joy!

  18. What a beautiful cover! Makes me want to pick up the book and get reading :)

    1. Thank you, Randi! I hope you do when it comes out! :)

  19. LOVE this. Swooning is perfect, Marie. Go, Marie, go!!!

  20. Congrats Marie! It's lovely :)

  21. That is just gorgeous! I'm still waiting for my cover, but I hope to have that moment soon. Good luck with your upcoming release!

  22. Amazing! Best wishes on the release.
