Sunday, May 17, 2015

Confessions of a swag whore...

First off, yes, this blog post is a few days late.  Sorry, but on Wednesday I was busy with the Romantic Times Booklovers convention.

I had a crazy idea before I left for the con, that I would be perfectly ready and able to do a blog on Wednesday like I normally do.

As you see, it is now Sunday.

I fought the con and the con won ;).

I had a great time (in recovery seclusion in my hotel room as I type this ;)).  My first signing went really well--talked to lots of amazing folks, and sold the majority of the books I brought (which was a happy shock to me!).

But, why I called you all here today was to talk about my swag addition. Not the "I need to pick up other folks' swag", but the "I need to bring more of my own swag"!

Now, don't get me wrong-- my swag did it's job and got my name and book out there. It also filled up one 45 pound suitcase, and most of a second one.

I know I have a problem. Yet all during the con, when I'd see other really cool swag, I'd be thinking, "OOOOO!  I want to do THAT next year!"

Now granted, RT is in Vegas and I can drive next year- but still.  I don't need more swag!

But....but...there is so much coooooool stuff out there!!  Yeah...I wonder how much I can fit in a rental van?


  1. Look at it this way, you can take the same number of different kinds of sway next time, but you can now also take the kind of swag that you think is by far the coolest because you've expanded your swag horizons.

    1. Oh great, an enabler!!! You're coming with me next time to see the millions of swag options! ;).

  2. Replies
    1. LOL- thanks! yeah, that's what it was research. I'm not addicted to swag or anything...not at all ;).

  3. Cool swag is cool. :) I'm glad you had fun at the Con!

    1. It was wild! You should try to make it to next year's- it's in VEGAS baby! Oooooo...sparkly swag?
