Monday, October 5, 2015

The Glass Gargoyle is on SALE! 99 cents!

Yup folks, Garbage Blossom, Leaf Grub, and Crusty Bucket went on a bender and knocked down the price for the Glass Gargoyle to less than a buck!

They have no concept of money, and just liked the look of the two nines together.

BUT that means for a few days- countdown is on the Amazon site- you can order the ebook copy of book one of The Lost Ancients for 99 cents. Buy a gift for a friend or two!

Spread the word- the faeries are too drunk to really fly around and do it for me right now ;).


  1. Thank you! I have one, but I have a few friends I wanted to send it to- there's no limit, right?

    Karen P.

  2. Thank you, Karen! There's no limit for how many you buy- just make sure you grab them while they're under a buck! (they go back to full ebook price next Monday.)
