Today is really more a post about getting exposure to the creative world as writers (or other creative folks), as opposed to my usual IWSG monthly post about what I'm freaking out about now ;). There is plenty of that for later, but today I'd like to talk about getting exposure!
I'm not talking about getting exposure for your book, or building your brand or platform, I'm talking about going out into the world and mingling with other writers and creative folks.
Writing is very solitary and many of us writerly folks are on the more introverted end of the social scale. But getting out there both professionally and just as a fangirl is important to our well-being.
There are different types of writer conventions and groups all over the place. I've been to the SDSU writers conf many times; Santa Barbara Writers Conf, La Jolla Writer's conf, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer's conf. All professional writers conferences and all awesome. Chances are, there is one not too far from you, or in an area you could tag on to a vacation ;).
This year (in order of appearance ;)) I'll be going to ConDor this month- a local, cozy, very literary SF/F convention here in San Diego. It's fun and they often have really wonderful authors in a small setting. This will be my second ConDor.
Then in April, I'll be in Las Vegas for the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention. This is big, loud, and vibrant. There are some great writer and business panels, as well as parties (Including this awesome one called the Paranormal Dragon Den of Magical Mayhem- hosted by myself and seven very cool authors- if you're going to be there, and you lean towards fantasy and paranormal- this is YOUR party to attend! And we have books and swag! *ends shameless plug now*This will be my fourth RT.
In July, I will be attending RWA's National Conference. It's here in San Diego, how could I not! Very craft and business oriented, this will be my first one and I'm looking forward to it.
FOUR days after RWA, in the same part of town, will be the monster of them all- Comic Con International. Just me and 150,000 or so of my closest friends. This will be my 20+ time for this one- but my first time as a PRO (that whole author thing :)). This convention has everything and more, and always inspires my creative energy.
I have a pretty busy collection here, and all four are different. Some will be very craft oriented, others just creative madness. But the point is to get out there and go to something, or somethings. Mingle with other writers and creative folks. Sit in on panels that might make a dozen light bulbs go off in your head.
Get some exposure to the creative world!
Wow! Talk about exposure!!! You're in for some great conferences. I've been to RWA several times. Super for networking. I've heard RT is a lot of fun and a great place to meet fans. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's going to be wild! RWA is my only new one, so really excited about that!
DeleteHow exciting! I'm going to RT as a first timer! I'm co-hosting a workshop on pitching with contest queen Brenda Drake. (No pressure for my first workshop!) I'm in RWA but passing on San Diego this year due to attending RT and a local RWA smaller conference in Chicago. I agree how vital it is to meet other writers. One of my favorite conference experiences was last summer at RWA in New York when I attended the chapter leadership seminar. These were not only writers, but writers who commit endless hours of volunteer work leading and running individual chapters. I felt like I'd found my people! Everyone there was committed to helping other writers.
ReplyDeleteI am envious of your trip to Comic Con! I go to local cons in Chicago, but not sure I'll make it out to the BIG one (hubz hates crowds). I'm actually writing a YA about friends road tripping to Comic Con in CA so I'm all over it :)
I'm writing about social media overload today with a few resource links on how to better focus your efforts: My IWSG post: Stephanie Scott
OOOO! Hunt me down at RT! It's fun, but a bit wild ;(. Yeah, Comic Con International is the big kahuna and not good for folks who don't like crowds. Even our downtown streets are packed during it. If you have any questions about CC for your book- email them my way :).
DeleteMarie at day job can't log on to blogger
We are part of one of the largest groups of the world -- the writing community. We should get out there. *smiles* I'll just watch your back from here. You know, so there won't be any surprises.
ReplyDeleteAnna from elements of emaginette
LOL!!! That's good of you ;).
DeleteMarie- at day job, can't log in to blogger
Good points all. Getting out there. Seeing and being seen. Getting exposure to ideas that have never occurred to me. How could that be bad for anything but my pocketbook? I am listening. I'm just slow.
ReplyDeleteGonna light a fire under your tush! ;) We'll get you out eventually :).
I love this post - you're so right, as writers, we SHOULD mingle more with the outside world! I can just never seem to get up the nerve to go on my own thought (none of my writer friends live near me IRL, so I can't force them to go with me!). It's my dream to go to America and attend Comic-Con one day. I hope you have a fantastic time - looking forward to hearing all about them!
ReplyDeleteRachel Pattinson
February IWSG Co-host
Thank you Rachel! Comic Con is a very surreal experience- hope you get out here some year!
DeleteMarie- at day job can't get on blogger
Sounds like yo already have your year all planned out. I'm considering going to the SCBWI meeting in Chicago this spring, but don't know if I can swing it or not. I'm so jealous. Don't party too much.
ReplyDeleteWriting conferences are great for networking, and learning the craft. I haven't been to one in years; hope to go again soon. Good luck and have fun.
ReplyDeleteAwesome venues to get out to! I think the only venue I'm able to make it to is the local Rendezvous, but the kids make it hard to go. At least I have all the local writers I can mingle with!
ReplyDeleteI really want to get to a convention at some point. It is a big goal of mine.
ReplyDeleteAll that sounds like fun. I definitely want to go to one of those sometime. It,
ReplyDeleteJuneta Writer's Gambit
s in the plan. Happy Belated IWSG Day