Wednesday, November 2, 2016

#IWSG- Joys of writing

Welcome to another Insecure Writer's Support Group post! 

 Every month, writers from across the globe join and shout our fears into the Universe!  Join us!

Today's question was "What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?" I really have to give two answers- just because ;).

1) Creating new worlds and new characters- my people become very real to me, and I might not like all of them, but I respect them. Many I adore, most I wish I was more like. The joy of creating new characters and setting them lose in a new world is amazing. Knowing, "Oh, she'd NEVER do that" just after a few pages of meeting a character is very very cool. 

I've always been a storyteller, creating people out of anything around me or just in my head. Writing takes it out of my head and lets me tell larger stories.

2) The second part didn't happen until I published--total strangers reading MY books, and some LOVING them! That is a very VERY cool aspect to being a writer. I would still create my people and my stories even if I couldn't share them, but sharing my worlds is a very special feeling.

I count myself extremely lucky that I can create things and share them-it's a wonderful feeling.

Happy IWSG day!


  1. Oh, yes! Those are awesome parts of being a writer :-)

  2. Great aspects of writing, Marie. Love it when someone says how much they love my books. Awesome!

  3. I can definitely relate to point #1. Its so much fun to create new worlds and characters. Maybe one day I'll be able to relate to #2 :-)

  4. A stranger reading and loving your story is definitely an awesome experience!
    Happy IWSG Day!
    Writer In Transit

  5. Total strangers reading my books would be a favorite of mine. I love it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  6. Your reasons for writing sound exactly like my reasons. For me, the more people that read about and believe in my characters, the more real they seem to me.

    1. I hadn't thought it that way- but you're right! Shared stories do bring them to life (more anyway ;)).

  7. I must say, it's doubly exciting when strangers are reading my stories and giving positive feedback. Friends and relatives will do that, anyway, but there's no reason for strangers to be nice unless they mean it.

    1. Oh heck yes! When I get a personal comment, email, or message asking when the next book is out because they loved the other (s)- it makes my WEEK! :)
