Wednesday, May 2, 2018

IWSG# Ending it

Welcome to another episode of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Follow the blogs! Come join us! 

Today I'm talking about ending....a series. This year I will be finishing both the fantasy series (the six book, The Lost Ancients) as well as the space opera trilogy, The Asarlai Wars.

To say I have mixed feelings would be a massive understatement ;).

I love my worlds--all of them--or I wouldn't stay in them long enough to write anything. But both of these were closed story arcs; they weren't open ended, ongoing, series. They had a plan (more or less ;)) and an end. Of THESE story lines. I'm putting that in there because by no means am I done with either group. But these particular stories, the battles involved, etc...will be done. There will be other story arcs, same folks, new adventures, down the line--but for now, these two will end this year.

For me, as much as I love seeing my favorite characters regularly (mine, or those created by others) I also need change. I need one story to close out, a new world open with new soon-to-be-beloved characters--and more adventures to explore.

A steampunk series (this one is more open ended than the rest of mine) starts tomorrow with the launch of A Curious Invasion.

Next year will also see a portal world, epic fantasy trilogy, The Chaos Wars and possibly the launch of another fantasy series. Part of the problem is that I have LOTS of books, partial books, and ideas--so I need to get a chance for more to come out ;).

But, as excited as I am for new tales, I'm also going to miss my current adventures. The drunken faeries, the crazy aliens, Taryn, Alric, Vas, and Deven. I will miss them. But while it's farewell for now after this year--it is ONLY for now. They have  far more adventures on the horizon! 

Still, I know when Defiant Ruin (the space opera) and The Diamond Sphinx (the fantasy) hit the public, I will have a few moments of sadness.


  1. Congrats on the various projects in their different stages of completion! How exciting!
    You are one busy lady!

    Happy IWSG Day!
    Writer In Transit

  2. What a bittersweet time it must be to end a series. I just started writing one and have been thinking about how long I might keep it going.

    1. It is. Even when I have known all along how long they would be, it's still hard.

  3. Gotta share the love sometime :) Its so great you have so many books out there. I fall in love with my characters too - even the villains.

  4. The worlds and characters sound so fun. No doubt they'll live on in shorts and dreams. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  5. I've been struggling to even start the last book of my current series. I've written a final book before (for an unpublished series) with no problem, but my writing motivation has been low for a very long time.

    So many series and so many worlds. That's exciting!

    1. Maybe it's that sadness that's getting to you :(. But you can always go back! It is exciting and it will be even more so when some of these other characters and worlds get out there! :)

  6. Wow, it sounds like you've had quite a lot of fun creating worlds :-) Good luck with ending them.

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions

    1. I have :). I am a storyteller first and foremost and when someone says they love one of my "worlds" it's amazing!

  7. Goodness, I know that feeling. Congrats, first and foremost, and condolences.

  8. It can be sad to leave a world or bunch of characters behind, but at least you'll be heading back to these worlds. Hopefully you can celebrate the public getting to explore them too!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully the public will love the new worlds, too!

  9. I'm ending 2 series this year, also. One is a cozy mystery PI series; the other is a sci-fi romance. I can't wait for something new.

  10. It's been fun watching your releases!

  11. Sadness, yes. But maybe a bit of a relief too. Sometimes we need a break from our friends, even if only for a little while. So go out and make some new friends for a while!

  12. You'll miss your old characters, but never let a book or series go stale in your head!

  13. I'll feel sad if I ever get to the end of something... if... at the rate I'm going it's a loooong way off...
