Wednesday, May 5, 2021

#IWSG Starting back at the beginning

 Welcome to another Insecure Writer's Support Group blog meeting!

Join us!

As many of you know, I went free-range-full-time-writer-chic at the first of this year. I had plans for writing, days off, naps, etc.

I've now realized that conceptualizing a 40 writer work week and doing it are two different things. I was mentally pulling in too many ideas from my former day job. Sooooooooo, read a few books on working, life, etc and created another pivot (you have to keep pivoting). I'm back to focusing on building a steady writing pattern.

One of the books I'm reading is called Deep Work, it's on building focus. Something struck me as a "this might work" while wading my way through it.

Last week I started my new plan. Five days a week (still keeping my days off ;)) I do two- 90 minute focuses writing blocks. One usually in am, the other afternoon/evening. During this time, NO internet, emails, texts, calls, or interruptions. I have one of those "Will Return at..." signs on my closed door.

For 90 minutes I focus on my writing--sort like nano-speed only more intense.

Last week, in five days, in a total of fifteen hours-- I got in 20,642 words.

For me this was massive!  I hit 4,000 plus a day and don't feel wiped out.

Could I do more blocks? Probably not. Nor could I mush them into one 3-hour block. The book says 4 hours a day is about max for true deep work, and I am usually quite done by the end of that 90 min. 

A caveat, I am a multi-project writer. So if one book starts slamming into a wall, I skip to another--this does drive many of my writing friends crazy.

I won't call this my new regular until I've kept it up for a month, but it does feel good to be working on building a more solid writing routine.

Then I'll start focusing on building in business blocks ;).

Have you ever tried deep focusing for your writing?


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Fantasy Ebook Bonanza!


A bundle so packed full of fantasy,
you’ll need a bag of holding.


Over twenty authors have joined the International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (IASFA) in a massive book bundle to enchant readers everywhere.


IASFA Book Bundles are a way for people to discover quality books written by popular authors. You know how it's always hard to find something good to read? IASFA can help solve that with monthly free book promotions as well as through a massive Book Bundle like this.

Only $9.99 for ALL of those books! Your e-reader looks hungry, feed it before summer comes! Books are offered through Book Funnel, so they are available for you where ever you are and whatever e-reader you use!


The Fantasy Book Bundle! Discover fantastic worlds where princesses are assassins, elves cavort with dragons, and orphans aren’t always what they seem. From enchanted forests to perilous seas, there’s an adventure for everyone in these stories. Find your next favorite fantasy author in this fantastic bundle. We’ve compiled over twenty exciting titles and can offer them in a bundle for much less than a dollar each. Begin your epic fantasy adventure today.



Books included:

Truth and Other Lies

By Lyra Wolf

The Blood Stone: Curse of the Drakku Book One

By Jason Nugent


By Catherine Banks

The Glass Gargoyle

By Marie Andreas

Unbreakable Fury

By Kevin McLaughlin

Reecah’s Flight

By Richard H. Stephens

Book of the Immortals - Air

By Barbara G.Tarn

Fenzig’s Fortune: A Gnome’s Tale

By Jean Rabe


By Todd Fahnestock

Creature Feature: A Horrid comedy

By Steven Paul Leiva

Sanctum: Sands of Setesh

By C.S. Kading

The Stones of Resurrection

By Tameri Etherton

Bone Traders

By Rachel Ford

The Shape of Darkness

By D. Fischer

Dragon’s Choice

By Debbie Mumford

The Crimson Claymore

By Craig A. Price Jr.

Half-Bloods Rising

By J.T. Williams

By the Pact

By Joanna Maciejewska

The Shadow and the Sun

By Monica Enderle Pierce

Black Heart of the Dragon God

By Craig Martelle

Sharp Steel

By William Alan Webb

The Watchers of Moniah

Blade of Dissension

By Barbara V. Evers

By M. Telsch-Williams

The International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (IASFA) is a professional organization focused on aligning readers with authors. We are building the organization that currently numbers over 600 authors published within the SFF genres and growing. Stay tuned as each month we’ll offer full book samplers for free along with less frequent paid book bundle promotions. Help yourself to find your next favorite author by joining the IASFA newsletter.


The Fantasy Book Bundle will be available from April 19th thru May 9th.