Wednesday, August 7, 2024

#IWSG Consistancy

 Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! Can’t speak for the others, but yup—insecurity is my middle name sometimes 😉.

Once a month writers gather online to share, cheer, and lament this writing world we’re in.

Join us!!!

  Today is about every writers' super power--consistency.


I don't mean that you do the exact same thing each and every day. That does work for some folks, but not for everyone. But rather, being consistent in your dedication to your writing.

 I've realized that because I can write at a certain speed, doesn't mean that doing it (without training) is a great idea. Yup, still in almost-burnout recovery.

It's like someone who can sing wonderfully, but never trained. The odds are good they will destroy their voice. Athletes who have a gift, but perhaps not as much solid training behind them, also burn out.

 Same thing can happen with writers. Especially if you're a naturally faster writer.

 Taking a step back and starting low and slow can really make a difference and help develop a consistent habit. Habits are built by repetition--same with writing and building the writing muscle. Even if you only have ten minutes of stolen time a day, try to be consistent about it. 

 Eventually, it becomes habit and you may find more stolen chunks of time along the way.

 I was hitting 4k a day before my almost-burnout. I dropped it to 2k and now am hitting 2,500. Next week, if I still feel good, I'll go up to 3k for a few weeks. The trick will be to listen to myself and NOT keep pushing. My hope is that when I get back to that 4k a day (or higher?) I'm in a much better place than I was at the start of this year.

What do you do to build consistency into your writing?

Happy IWSG Day!



  1. Getting back into blogging has actually gotten me back into writing with consistency. My writer's group is compiling a short story anthology and as one of the editors, the project also got me back into daily writing again. But even when participating in NaNoWriMo, my writing count usually held at 2k words per day.

    1. That's great! Anything that gets you back into the routine rocks :). I'd think being an editor for an anthology would be great too :).
      Thanks for coming by!

  2. I like the slow approach to writing. It sounds like you've got a good system of slowing down and then picking up the pace.

    1. Yup! Although it took me almost burning out to realize I needed to do it. I have a bad tendancy in many things to want to go BIG each time! Not a real healthy way for me ;).
      Thanks for coming by!

  3. I do need to maintain some consistency and get back into a routine with my writing. A slow approach would definitely be the way. Hope you continue to recover from your burnout!

    1. I hope it works for you! Thank you, I feel like I'me stepping back from the edge.
      Thank you for coming by!

  4. Thank you! It's hard sometimes to stay at my set level. If I finish early, I want to keep going! Sadly, that's how I got to this place in the first place-LOL!
    Thank you for coming by!

  5. You look like you have a good method there. I can't really think of my consistency at the moment with the exception that I just make sure I write everyday for an average of an hour and a half a day on the weekdays, at least four hours on Saturday's, and less o. Sunday's to rest up but I'll make sure to at least write a few lines in my journal.

  6. After all this time, I still have no consistency.

    1. Does what you're doing work? That's all that matters :).
      Thanks for coming by!
