Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Does your inner child have her warpaint on?

Writers, like all folks with creative bents to their psyches, have to keep their inner child alive and well. But more than that. We need to keep our inner child stubborn, determined, and willing to do whatever it takes to get what we want. In sort, our inner child needs to be a brat. Now not a brat as in falling on the floor and throwing a foaming fit, but a brat as in hunkering down and not taking no for an answer.

Plus, not only does the delightful little inner brat have to be stubborn as heck- they have to be willing and able to follow flights of fancy wherever they may lead.

As kids, most all of us had amazing imaginations – both good and bad- a great imagination meant that we really COULD think of the monster from the movie we just saw coming to get us. But it also meant the entire world was ours. We could be a high powered princess one day, a horse the next and the president of the galaxy the day after. Listen to little kids, the vast majority of their play is story telling. Sometimes very active storytelling, most of us don’t act out our tales, but story telling nonetheless.

Then somewhere we lose that.

The world comes down on us and says the things we make up aren’t real, could never happen, and are extremely silly besides. Most humans retire their story telling at that point. But a few of us hang on to it. We write because these great, “What If’s” keep popping in our heads. We see a headline and think, “What if it didn’t go like that? What if it went like this?” Eventually, in an effort to quiet the voices- we start writing these ideas down.

Now some folks are fine with that. They story is out of them, they don’t need to go further and can now return to a somewhat normal life.

But for the rest of us, our inner child needs to get her war paint on. Have you ever seen a kid want something so badly they keep crying for it until they fall asleep exhausted? We as writers writing for publication need to do that. Ok, not the crying part (well it’s ok after being shot down yet again in the query wars), but the hanging on to something so tight we never let go.
We need to hold this need close to our hearts. We need to honor our inner brat and not tell it it’s stupid (such as the inner comments of “I suck”, “I can’t write”, “I’ll never be published”.) Like external children, those kind of comments can be very damaging.

And we need to build our resilience. If one story doesn’t work, do another. Re-write it. Re-envision it. Like the kid who keeps building towers in the kitchen until they get that damn cookie jar, we need to keep working until we hit publication. Then keep it up for each book afterwards.

We need to keep our inner brat hungry for the prize. Creative, stubborn, and willing to get whatever help it takes to get it to our goal.

A friend once gave me a framed print that says it all:

“Never, Never give up”- Winston Churchill
“Never, Never grow up”- Dr. Seuss


  1. Great blog Marie!!! :)

    And very true!!!

    Persistence is tough, but required...

    Lisa :)

  2. that inner child is she who is natural .. not yet forced into the conformity that is "normal"
    great look at it M !

  3. Thanks ladies! My inner child nods to your inner children ;)
