Wednesday, November 4, 2015

IWSG# I'm insecure, how about you?

Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group day!  Yup, once a month a bunch of writers all post our fears, hopes, dreams, screaming-mimi's-that-wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of the-night-that-cause-you-to-eat-things-you-will-regret-in-the-morning- that sort of thing.


So I thought about what to post today, and thought I'd keep it short and sweet- I'm freaked out and insecure.


Big time.

I LOVE writing (most of the time anyway ;)). I love jumping in and finding out what will happen to my characters, who they'll meet, what will blow up in their faces. I love having written. Reading a chapter and thinking, "Damn!  That was fun!"

It's all the other stuff that freaks me out.  Marketing, promo, blah,blah,blah. I'm on a lot of writing groups on Face Book including a few business oriented ones. One of them consistently freaks me out.

The guy behind it really seems to know what he's talking about, but when people are flinging around terms ROI, AMMY, etc- I run away screaming and pretty much figure my poor little drunken faeries are just going to go on being under-exposed.

Being Independent is great in many ways, exposure and marketing are not two of them.

So, on this Insecure Writer's day, I sit here being very insecure about my ability to get the word out about my books, without having a screaming fit and breakdown.

How about you? Love promo? Hate it? Want to shove it in a dark closet until it promises to be nice?


Happy IWSG day!!!


  1. I ask for help for promo. It is overwhelming. Don't think that you have to do it all yourself. Ask a techie friend to explain the confusing terms, and share your success with your online groups so they can help get the word out.
    Play off the Page

    1. Thanks! I figure I'll keep bugging my business savvy friends and bribe them to help ;).

  2. Maria, everything takes time. Remember the old adage: slow but sure wins the race. Do what you can with promo. But don't get so consumed by it that you forget to write. You next book will sell the previous one.

    Best wishes,
    Diane IWSG #92

    1. Thank you, Diane :). It's NaNo season, so it's easier to slip into writing, but I need to get used to wearing many hats and switching them easier ;).

  3. Yup, I hear you. There's enough on my plate that I don't want to worry about the constant promotion train. A very wise author once told me to do one thing a day and call it good. His advice has kept me sane.

    1. That is great advice! I think I may have to try and adopt it :).

  4. I'm only recently getting into marketing and promo research since I have a book coming out next year. Before that I tried to focus on writing craft, so this is a real shift. The scary group is probably more advanced, so I guess you just take in what you can and learn as you go. Also, while branding advice can be general. it's also helpful to see what happens for authors and book industry rather than commercial businesses. There's overlap, but getting more specific to writing and publishing is likely most helpful.

    1. Well put! I'd say there is an overlap, but I have a severe anti-business brain. It may actually be a phobia ;). Once I get over the freaked out stage, I think I'll be okay- just getting past that ;).

  5. Thanks for sharing! I'm not at the stage yet where I need to think about marketing (very far away from that stage). It all sounds very confusing and not something that I naturally would want to be doing. Fingers crossed that you find a way to promote your books that is true to yourself and your faeries. Cheers - Ellen

    1. Thank you! I think you hit it on the head, something that is true to myself and the books :). If I try to force it, it won't work. Thanks! :)

  6. I've spent the past two years building up my inventory and am only now getting serious about marketing. I figured that way any marketing I do will have more impact. I'm beginning a newsletter and am looking into promoting through some of the discount/free ebook sites. the next 12 months are going to be a time of experimentation for me. Hopefully the writing won't suffer!

    1. Great planning! Please share anything awesome you find :). (My pantser personality may be one of the reasons I'm having problems with this ;)).

  7. Funnily enough, my IWSG post is mostlly about the same thing. Haven't finished a book yet, so I haven't had to worry about promoting it. Be sure to let us know how your promoting efforts work out.

    1. Great minds think alike, Ken! I will definitely do that- this blog is sort of "Marie and the Books get their collective acts together". I share my progress, and others do as well :).

  8. Dark closet! Yes! I hate promo because I always feel like I'm being pushy. At least I'm not alone.

    1. Not alone at all! OY- this stuff is sooooo not easy!

  9. I love writing and the rest... Well, the rest is what I gotta do so I can write some more. :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

    1. Very good way to think about it! It's sort of like my evil day job- gotta do it so I can write. Need to promo so I can write ;).

  10. I love writing (most of the time) and I decided that when I self-pubbed my novella earlier this year, it was mostly going to be an experiment on my part, to see what self-publishing and indie publishing were about. I got stumped on the marketing thing, too.

    1. Good idea! I should have recommended one of the best books I found (for me, and I REALLY need to re-read it!) "Write. Publish. Repeat."

  11. ROI? AMMY? What are these? Do we really need to know? *bites nails*
    I'd also run away screaming...

    Promo? The very word scares me. But I don't have a book... yet.
    My advice - just do a little at a time.
    (I'll eventually have to face the 'promo monster'... when the time comes...)
    Happy IWSG Day!

    1. ROI = return on investment; no idea on the other one ;). My argument on ROI and books, is that a tactic could have exposure (getting the name out there) but not direct ROI. I'm clearly never going to be great at this ;).

  12. I'm a horrible marketer. Some members of my own family don't know I write, and I've published two books, edited two, and will release another novel this spring.

    I've been studying the beast...reading blogs and books, listening to podcasts, etc., that all center around book marketing. I've also watched closely as an author I admired promoted her book in advance, so I could learn from what she did.

    Seems as though no one has the "real" answer, other than keep writing books...that's your best marketing strategy.

    My main focus with the book I have coming out next spring will be giveaways and attempting to get as many advance reviews as possible. We'll see how it goes!

    1. Good luck! I'm trying to remind myself this takes time, and I need to just keep getting the writing done :).

  13. I don't know if this will make you feel better or worse, but even traditionally-published authors with a publishing house behind them still have to do a lot of their own marketing and promotion. It's just part of the game these days.

    Also, you can get university degrees in marketing and advertising. It's a huge, complicated field with countless books and experts on the topics.

    And some 20-year old kids make millions of dollars on YouTube.

    There are a plethora of ways to get your name out there. You will find one that's right for you (or at least one that you're comfortable with). Just don't be afraid to try it.

    IWSG November Post

    1. LOL- very true! And yes, my trad published friends have to promote also, it's the nature of the beast now, but having a publisher (at least one of the big kahunas) behind you does help a bit. I still see a lot of bias, especially in my genre, against self-published folks :(.

  14. I'm a weird ying-yang of creative writer and Type-A business woman, so I actually like marketing. Not sure I'm any good at it, but my first book only came out in August so I'm getting there :) I do get overwhelmed with it sometimes, so I make lists to calm down and decide what to focus on next.

    1. Okay, you seem very nice, but I am so jealous of you right now! LOL!!! I guess we each have strengths, sadly business isn't mine particularly. I have a feeling you're going to do great though- having both worlds.

  15. Eeek. Do you know how insecure it makes me feel to have my hero talk about her insecurities? You've done so much and learned so much in such a short time, soldiering through even when your non-writing life throws you curve balls. I have faith in you, Marie. Keep learning. Keep toughing it out.

    1. LOL!!! Great- now I'm insecure about being insecure ;). Thank you so much for your support and faith in me :). Hopefully I'll have some more of this down when you get your books out here!

  16. When my first book came out 4-years ago this week I thought I had marketing slayed, because I had so much marketing experience and even owned a marketing company.
    After a rude crash landing and a LOT of learning I am pretty excited about my second books release in January. The biggest thing I learned is it takes a lot of time to get 'there,' word of mouth isn't all it is cracked up to be and to be successful we have to get out in real life, among real people who are non writers and network.

    1. Thanks for the tips and reminders :). Good luck with the second release!

  17. I am with you on this one. I have always struggled with this aspect of writing. I wish you well and hope all goes spectacularly!

  18. I definitely fit the category of insecure writer. Some days are better than others. I've been writing seriously for 13 years, and watching the people I've known for years publishing their third and fourth books while I've still got nothing can be pretty depressing at times. I just keep reminding myself that a lot of upheaval in my life has gone on in those 13 years--not to mention that it's not fair to myself to compare my progress to everyone else's. Everyone's journey is different!

    And when I feel really crappy, I reread the short fiction I've had published. Hey, at least it's something!

    1. Very true- the path is going to be different for everyone- and re-reading your work is a great way to keep going forward!

  19. Hi there, awesome post! I completely understand with the overwhelming feeling that comes with realizing how much work goes into a book. I find myself really insecure when it comes to rough drafts, and it is not until the third or fourth revision that I think my work is not completely awful.

    1. Thanks, Steven :)- glad you enjoyed it. I seem to go back and forth in the drafts it!...hate it! it! It's kind ridiculous ;).
